- Robert Hastings (1653 England – 1721 Haverhill) 12848 dated 1721) marries Elizabeth Davis in 1676 (d. of James Davis II).
- Katherine (1677 – 1734)
- Elizabeth (1679 – 1755) marries Joseph Peasley
- Robert JR. (1681-1744) marries in 1706 Elizabeth Bailey Probate (12845) (1681-1754) (probate 12849 dated 1744 will) bequeaths house 1/2 of house to Elizabeth in which Robert lives. He gives house that he got from his father and land he bought from Enoch Davis and his mother, to Robert jr this is 40 acres. Also his negro called Bina (listed as 17 shillings) and 1/2 the livestock. He gives to his son George all land (30 acres) where Robert lives north of Jamiaca Path and 4 acres which Robert Sr. purchased off of the proprietors of Haverhill. Also 5-6 acres he bought from Job Hinkley and land he got from John Bailey called his hunting hill bounded by River and Highway. There is also a pasture at Job’s hill equally divided.
- Robert III (1707 – x) marries Ruth Saunders (1705 – 1776) in 1732
- Elizabeth (1733 – 1800) marries Theophilus Colby (1723- x) in 1750
- Elizabeth (1757 – x) marries Joseph Kelley (1749 – 1825) in 1778
- Mary (x-x) marries Leonard Chase (x-x) in 1752
- James (1735 – 1735)
- Robert (1737 – 1737)
- Robert (1738 – ) marries Patience Colby
- Ruth (1742 – 1809) Maybe marries William George
- Elizabeth (1733 – 1800) marries Theophilus Colby (1723- x) in 1750
- Ednah (1710-1744/5) marries John Hunkins in 1736
- Joseph (1713 – x)
- Mehitable (1715 – 1795) marries Isaac Merrill.
- Elizabeth (1719-x) marries Joseph Kelly (1716 – ) in 1740
- Ruth (~1742 – ) Probate: 12851 dated 1756 is for guardianship to Daniel Johnson.
- Robert III (1707 – x) marries Ruth Saunders (1705 – 1776) in 1732
- Ann (1684-1749) marries Tibbets
- George (1688
- John (1691-1728)
- Ester (1693 -x) marries Hurley
- Joseph (1683-1761) marries 1) Lydia Chaulkins, 2) Jane Heath in xx
- Joseph Kelley (Joseph/Jane Heath, John, John, Joseph, Joseph) (1716-x) marries Elizabeth Hastings d. of Robert and Elizabeth Bailey (1719-x) in 1740.
- Mary (1740
- Elizabeth (1743 -x) marries Isaac Davis in 1780
- Abiah (1743 – 1804)
- Mehitable (1746 -x) marries Amos Chase
- Joseph Kelley (1749-1825) marries Elizabeth Colby d. of Theophilus Colby and Elizabeth Hastings (1757-x) in 1778. Lives on the homestead of his father and grandfather in East Haverhill
- Joseph (1780-x) marries Betsy Adams
- Elizabeth (1782 -1817 ) marries John Chase – Clothier
- Mary C. (1808 – 1848) (marries Moses Gile)
- Mary (1785
- Robert Kelley (1788- 13Dec1835 Cancer) and Hannah Ayer (x-1867) marries in 1818.
- Samuel (1820 – x)
- Elizabeth C. (1825 – x) marries Moses Gile in 1854 his first wife’s cousin.
- Moses C. (x-x) marries Josephine Richards
- Sarah Ayer (1829 – x) marries Isaac H. Ayer in 1851
- Robert (1831 – 13Dec1835)
- Joseph Kelley (Joseph/Jane Heath, John, John, Joseph, Joseph) (1716-x) marries Elizabeth Hastings d. of Robert and Elizabeth Bailey (1719-x) in 1740.
Land probably came through Elizabeth Hastings from Robert Hastings to Joseph (can’t find any deeds to Joseph) Looks like it is coming through Robert and Elizabeth Bailey to daughter Elizabeth who marries Joseph Kelly
1779: Indenture Leonard and Mary Chase (daughter of Theophilis Colby) and Joseph and Elizabeth (Colby) Kelly (155/65) lets property to mother Elizabeth Colby. bounded by north westerly by Jamaica path 15 R, Merrimac river 23 poles on south, south westerly on land of Beniah Young 66 poles and northerly on land let to mother 70 poles. Looks like Mary and Leonard and selling a part of their 2/3rds to Joseph and Elizabeth
1810, Nov 1: Joseph and Elizabeth Kelley to son Joseph Kelly Jr. for $650.00 (192/54) Bounded by Phineas Nichols and Amos Chase. Obediah Ayer, and Henry Morse, and Highway. 24 acres and 48 rods.
1810, Nov 21: Joseph to his son Robert (209/117) 14 acres bounded easterly on land of Gideon and Amos George, southerly by merrimack river, northerly on country road,
1856, Sep 20: Hannah (Ayer) Kelly, widow of Robert Kelly to Robert Kelly for $50.00 parcel of tillage land situated on road leading from Rocks Bridge to Chain Ferry starting at the northerly corner of highway and running by my land southeasterly 10 rods, to S&S then southwesterly by my land 17 rods to s&s, then northwesterly by my own land 10 rods, then northeasterly 16 rods. About 1 acre being part of a piece of land I bought since being a widow. (540/170). Robert then gets mortgage on this 968/2, discharge: 2142/294
1861: Robert and Martha Ann Kelly to Samuel A. Kelley, mortgage (631/108) discharge: 735/159
1867, Oct 12: Robert Kelly and Hannah Kelly to Elizabeth A. Kelly (733/166) $700 for 1 undivided 4th part of real estate of my mother of late Hannah Kelly consisting of the homestead containing 42 acres and about 6 acres of fresh meadow know as Foggy Meadow. (735/154)
1867: Elizabeth A. Kelley (wife of Samuel) guardian for George W. 1/4/part.
1874, Jan 16: Elizabeth C. Gile and Moses Gile to Charles Henry Gile (Their son) the undivided 1/2 of a certain piece of land with buildings known as the homestead of Hannah Kelly, late of Haverhill (896/268). Known as the homestead of Hannah Kelley. About 42 acres on East Broadway across the street from Greenwood Cemetery as listed on 1881 map as Mrs E. Gile and E. Kelly. (could be mortgage only) 1880: Mortgage(1036/10) Moses, Elizabeth and Elizabeth Kelly to
1885, Mar 20: Elizabeth A. Kelly wife of Samuel, brother of Elizabeth C. Kelly Giles, of Merrimac to Moses C. Gile (son of Moses Gile and Elizabeth C. Kelly) of Andover one undivided 1/2 part of land bounded as follows. Beginning at the northeasterly corner on the Main road leading from Rocks Bridge to Groveland Bridge and by the land of Heirs of Hazen Kimball and running southerly to Merrimac River then westerly by said river to the land of Robert Morse. Northerly by Morse land to road then easterly by road and land of Robert Kelly. Includes dwelling house, barn, and outbuildings. (1152/22) includes mortgage back to Kelly. (1898: 1549/54 – discharge from Herbert O. Delano, administrator of Elizabeth Kelly’s estate)
1925, Aug 7: Josephine R. Gile (Wife of Moses C. Gile) of Colorado Springs to Earle E. Small (2653/367) Mortgage discharge (3065/587) Taxes for 1924 and 1925, includes all furnaces, heaters, ranges, mantels, gas and electric light fixtures, screens, screen doors, awnings, and other fixtures……
1930, Sep 12: Earle G. Small and Mildred E. Small to Leroy F. Chandler (2858/180)
1931, Apr 1: Leroy F. Chandler to George E. Jermyn (2902/534) Jermyn to Sawyer Mortgage (2949/231) (3012/70) (3266/374)
1931: 2902/536 Mortgage between George E. Jermyn and Emma E. Paul for land
1933: 2959/165
1935, Mar 13: Roscoe S. Mills, administrator of estate of Emma E. Paul assigns note to Lucy E. Perkins and Earnest L. Paul, (3030/349)
1936, Feb 7: Lucy E. Perkins and Earnest L. Paul to Hubert C. Thompson ((3065/588) Probate: 257121 to Sadie. 33 rods from Frederick Kimball along Main road from Rocks Village Bridge to Groveland Bridge to land of Helena M. Beal, then southerly 9 rods, westerly 17, then northerly 9 rods, then westerly 87 rods along road, to land of Charles E. Colby, southerly 71 rods to Merrimack river, easterly by river 86 rods to land of Frederick Kimball, then northerly 70 rods, then easterly 20 rods, then northwesterly 30 rods,
1962, Dec 17: Sadie B. Thompson to Warner (5021/443)
1964, Sep 17: Richard F. Warner and Arlene L. Warner to Germain (5207/527)
1986, Sep 8: Daniel R. Germain Sr. and Deanna H. Germain sell to Deanna H. Germain for $1.00 (8497/98)
1986: Homstead for Germain (8569/570) 43,679 square feet.
1987: Deanna H. Germain and Daniel R. Germain Sr. to Maroney and Watts (8934/240) Lot 2A
1989: Michael J. Maroney and Michelle J. Watts to Nicholas C. Theodorou and Sarah E. McManaway (9864/245) Lot 2A
1810, Nov 1: Joseph and Elizabeth Kelley to son Joseph Kelly Jr. (192/54) Bounded by Phineas Nichols and Amos Chase.
1810, Nov 21: Joseph to son Robert (209/117) easterly by Gideon and Amos George, southerly by merrimack river, northerly by county road, 14 acres
1856, Sep 20: Hannah Kelly, widow of Robert Kelly to Robert Kelly for $50.00 parcel of tillage land situated on road leading from Rocks Bridge to Chain Ferry starting at the northerly corner of highway and running by my land southeasterly 10 rods, to S&S then southwesterly by my land 17 rods to s&s, then northwesterly by my own land 10 rods, then northeasterly 16 rods. About 1 acre being part of a piece of land I bought since being a widow. (540/170)
1867, Oct 12: Robert Kelly and Hannah Kelly to Elizabeth A. Kelly (733/166) $700 for 1 undivided 4th part of real estate of my mother of late Hannah Kelly consisting of the homestead containing 42 acres and about 6 acres of fresh meadow know as Foggy Meadow. (735/154)
1874, Jan 16: Elizabeth C. Gile and Moses Gile to Charles Henry Gile (Their son) the undivided 1/2 of a certain piece of land with buildings known as the homestead of Hannah Kelly, late of Haverhill (896/298). About 42 acres on East Broadway across the street from Greenwood Cemetery as listed on 1881 map as Mrs E. Gile and E. Kelly. (could be mortgage only)1880: Mortgage( 1036/10) Moses, Elizabeth and Elizabeth Kelly to
1885, Mar 20: Elizabeth A. Kelly of Merrimac to Moses C. Gile (son of Moses Gile and Elizabeth C. Kelly) of Andover one undivided 1/2 part of land bounded as follows. Beginning at the northeasterly corner on the Maine road leading from Rocks Bridge to Groveland Bridge and by the land of Heirs of Hazen Kimball and running southerly to Merrimac River then westerly by said river to the land of Robert Morse. Northerly by Morse land to road then easterly by road and land of Robert Kelly. Includes dwelling house, barn, and outbuildings. (1152/22) includes mortgage back to Kelly. (1898: 1549/54 – discharge from Herbert O. Delano, administrator of Elizabeth Kelly’s estate)
1925, Aug 7: Josephine R. Gile (Wife of Moses C. Gile) of Colorado Springs to Earle E. Small (2653/367) Mortgage discharge (3065/587) Taxes for 1924 and 1925, includes all furnaces, heaters, ranges, mantels, gas and electric light fixtures, screens, screen doors, awnings, and other fixtures……
1930, Sep 12: Earle G. Small and Mildred E. Small to Leroy F. Chandler (2858/180)
1931, Apr 1: Leroy F. Chandler to George E. Jermyn (2902/534) Jermyn to Sawyer Mortgage (2949/231) (3012/70) (3266/374)
1931: 2902/536 Mortgage between George E. Jermyn and Emma E. Paul for land
1933: 2959/165
1935, Mar 13: Roscoe S. Mills, administrator of estate of Emma E. Paul assigns note to Lucy E. Perkins and Earnest L. Paul, (3030/349)
1936, Feb 7: Lucy E. Perkins and Earnest L. Paul to Hubert C. Thompson ((3065/588) Probate: 257121 to Sadie. 33 rods from Frederick Kimball along Main road from Rocks Village Bridge to Groveland Bridge to land of Helena M. Beal, then southerly 9 rods, westerly 17, then northerly 9 rods, then westerly 87 rods along road, to land of Charles E. Colby, southerly 71 rods to Merrimack river, easterly by river 86 rods to land of Frederick Kimball, then northerly 70 rods, then easterly 20 rods, then northwesterly 30 rods,
1962, Dec 17: Sadie B. Thompson to Warner (5021/443)
1964, Sep 17: Richard F. Warner and Arlene L. Warner to Germain (5207/527)
1986, Sep 8: Daniel R. Germain Sr. and Deanna H. Germain sell to Deanna H. Germain for $1.00 (8497/98)
1986: Homstead for Germain (8569/570) 43,679 square feet.
1987: Deanna H. Germain and Daniel R. Germain Sr. to Maroney and Watts (8934/240) Lot 2A
1989: Michael J. Maroney and Michelle J. Watts to Nicholas C. Theodorou and Sarah E. McManaway (9864/245) Lot 2A
1885, Mar 20: Elizabeth A. Kelly of Merrimac to Moses C. Gile of Andover one undivided 1/2 part of land bounded as follows. Beginning at the northeasterly corner on the Maine road leading from Rocks Bridge to Groveland Bridge and by the land of Heirs of Hazen Kimball and running southerly to Merrimac River then westerly by said river to the land of Robert Morse. Northerly by Morse land to road then easterly by road and land of Robert Kelly. Includes dwelling house, barn, and outbuildings. (1152/22) includes mortgage back to Kelly. (1898: 1549/54 – discharge from Herbert O. Delano, administrator of Elizabeth Kelly’s estate)
1925, Aug 7: Josephine R. Gile (Wife of Moses C. Gile) of Colorado Springs to Earle E. Small (2653/367) Mortgage discharge (3065/587) Taxes for 1924 and 1925, includes all furnaces, heaters, ranges, mantels, gas and electric light fixtures, screens, screen doors, awnings, and other fixtures……
1930, Sep 12: Earle G. Small and Mildred E. Small to Leroy F. Chandler (2858/180)
1931, Apr 1: Leroy F. Chandler to George E. Jermyn (2902/534) Jermyn to Sawyer Mortgage (2949/231) (3012/70) (3266/374)
1931: 2902/536 Mortgage between George E. Jermyn and Emma E. Paul for land
1933: 2959/165
1935, Mar 13: Roscoe S. Mills, administrator of estate of Emma E. Paul assigns note to Lucy E. Perkins and Earnest L. Paul, (3030/349)
1936, Feb 7: Lucy E. Perkins and Earnest L. Paul to Hubert C. Thompson ((3065/588) Probate: 257121 to Sadie. 33 rods from Frederick Kimball along Main road from Rocks Village Bridge to Groveland Bridge to land of Helena M. Beal, then southerly 9 rods, westerly 17, then northerly 9 rods, then westerly 87 rods along road, to land of Charles E. Colby, southerly 71 rods to Merrimack river, easterly by river 86 rods to land of Frederick Kimball, then northerly 70 rods, then easterly 20 rods, then northwesterly 30 rods,
1962, Dec 17: Sadie B. Thompson to Warner (5021/443) Mortgage: 5021/444
1964, Sep 17: Richard F. Warner and Arlene L. Warner to Germain (5207/527)
Seems like the lots were split at this time From 1966 to 1983, lots were sold off.
1986, Sep 8: Daniel R. Germain Sr. and Deanna H. Germain sell to Deanna H. Germain for $1.00 (8497/98)
1986: Homstead for Germain (8569/570) 43,679 square feet.
1987: Deanna H. Germain and Daniel R. Germain Sr. to Maroney and Watts (8934/240) Lot 2A
1989: Michael J. Maroney and Michelle J. Watts to Nicholas C. Theodorou and Sarah E. McManaway (9864/245) Lot 2A