Jaques Family

The children of Richard Jaques and Mary Emerson (Richard/Mary Emerson, Samuel/Mary Noyes, Benjamin/Mary Noyes, Stephen/Deborah Plummer, Henry/Anne)of Newbury all came to Rocks Village.

Sophia Jaques (1795 Newbury – 1875 Bradford) marries John Ladd (1791 – 1852)(s. of Nathaniel Ladd II and Sally Noyes) in 1814. John came home after the war was declared in 1812 and apprenticed under Richard Jaques of West Newbury for Combmaking. John owned the countess house from 1814 to 1820 when he sells to Elias Weld.  They live in 1/2 of 23 East Main until 1839 when Moses G. Jaques acquired Nathan Chase’s 1/2 in 1833 and the other side in 1839. The house stayed in the Jaques family until 1891 when Moses’ widow Eliza sold to Thomas Quested. John Ladd owns 22 Wharf Lane from 1837 (when his father dies) to Oct 1852. John dies in Nov 1852. In 1860, Sophia is living with James C. Elliott, her daughter Louisa, and Everett C. Clark between Hazen Kimball and Rufus K. Chase near Old Amesbury Line Road. Sophia and John are buried in Greenwood cemetery.

Hannah Jaques (1793 – 1862) marries Ephraim Bailey Orne (1793-1845) in 1815.
Sons: John L. Orne, Thomas J. Orne, Martin Vanburen Orne

1875-1880: Thomas Jefferson Orne, a livery stable keeper, owned the 47 East Main but his stable was in the city near the corner of Emerson Street and Washington Square. His is living with Abigail Elliott (w. of David Elliott) and children in 1855 and 1860.

1865 Census:
V. B. Orne (35) Cordwainer
Nellie R. (Davis) Jaques (22) (Widow) She is widow of John Ingersoll (1842 – 1864) (cousin of M. V. B Orne)

John L. Orne owned 34 East Main Street from 1839 to 1847

In 1855 Hannah and her children were living as follows Daniel Donegan (Donnegan), John L. Orne, Charles Ramsey, Hannah Orne, John Hamlin, Charles F. Chase (seems like up East Broadway) In 1860 she and her children are living with Joseph Esterbrook potentially at 37 East Main.

Moses G. Jaques (1799 – 1886) marries 1) Sophrina Robbins (1808 – 1828), 2) Eliza Harriman (1809 – 1892). Lives at 15 Wharf Lane from 1823 to 1830 and buys 23 East Main Street in 1839. 1856 map indicated that he owns 23 East Main.

Sons of Moses G. and Eliza Harriman

1870:  Edwin H. Jaques listed as Shoemaker living in Rocks Village. E. H. Jaques hired by Protector #3 company for “music at the muster” in 1865ish. In 1892 listed as owning 23 East Main
1870: George W. Jaques listed as shoemaker living in Rocks Village. On 1892 map listed as owning 20 East Main Street
1870: Moses E. Jaques listed as shoemaker living: Bridge, Rocks Village. In 1872 and 1881 according to maps owns corner of East Broadway and 12 Rod Way.
1864: John Jaques (1842- 1864) is the secretary for the Protector #3

1865 Census:
Moses T. Jaques (66) Cordwainer
Eliza A. Jaques (58) Shoe Binder
George W. Jaques (18) Cordwainer

Another Line (Jeremiah/Polly Tilton, Samuel/Mary Noyes, Benjamin/Mary Noyes, Stephen/Deborah Plummer, Henry/Anne)

Sophorina marries Rufus K. Chase

  1. Thomas born Unknown; died Unknown.
    1. John born Unknown; died Unknown.
      1. Henry (Abt. 1618 in England – February 24, 1686/87). Married Anne Knight (5 May 1631 Ramsey, Huntingdon, England – 22 Feb 1704/5) October 08, 1648.
        1. Henry (30 Jul 1649 – 1687) Marries Hannah Trueman (1628-1683). Moves to Woodbridge, NJ

          1. David (xxx – xxx) marries Dorothy Richards
          2. Henry
          3. Sarah
          4. John (1674-1725). Marries 1) Susanna Merrick, 2) Deliverance Potter
            1. John (1701 – xx)
            2. Susanna (1708 – xx)
            3. Samuel (1706 – xx)
            4. Mary (1701- xx)
          5. Hannah
          6. Jonathan (1479-1775). Marries Ruth Bloomfield
        2. Mary (12 Nov 1651 – 23 Oct 1653 in Newbury, MA.
        3. Mary (23 Oct 1653 – ) On 7 May 1674 married Richard Brown (1649/50 – 1716) , son of Richard Brown (-26 Apr 1661) & Elizabeth Greenleaf (bap 1622-10 Oct 1668), in Newbury, MA.
        4. Richard (23 Oct 1653 in Newbury, MA. -28 May 1683). He was 29. He drowned. On 18 Jan 1681 when Richard was 27, he married Ruth Plummer, daughter of Samuel Plummer (ca 1619-Dec 1701) & Mary Bitfield (-ca 1701), in Newbury, MA. Born on 7 Aug 1660 in Newbury, MA. Ruth first married Richard Jacques, second Nathaniel Haseltine as his second wife, July 20, 1688.

          1.  Richard (6 Jan 1683/4-Mar 1760). married Elizabeth Knight (1690 – 1760) .
            1. Deborah (6 Feb 1713/4 -14 Feb 1788 at Newbury), m. there 10 Dec 1735 Cutting Lunt (b. 22 Jan 1712/3, d. 29 Dec 1790, son of Joseph & Joanna (Adams) Lunt);
            2. Ruth (3 Mar 1717/8 – before 12 Jan 1779), m. at Newbury 19 Apr 1737 James Short (b. 16 Aug 1713 at Newbury, d. 30 Jul 1795, son of John & Joanna (Jackman) Short);
            3. Elizabeth  (16 Aug 1719 -19 Feb 1817). Marries 1) Enoch Knight, 2) 12 Jun 1744 Moses Moody (7 Aug 1711 -22 Feb 1780) , son of Cutting & Judith (Little) Moody);
              1. Abigail Knight (1738 – 1784). Marries Abel Merrill (1740 – 1782)
            4. Richard , b. 3 Dec 1721;
            5. Judith , b. ABT 1724, m. 1st at Newbury 3 Apr 1755 William Dole, m. 2nd Nathaniel Mighill, m. 3rd at Rowley 14 Dec 1797 John Jewett;
            6. Joseph (23 May 1728 – 22 Apr 1817) at Newbury, m. there 4 Mar 1756 Martha Brown (1 Jan 1734/5 – 13 Aug 1817 at Newburyport, dau. of William & Ann (Poore) Brown);
              1. Joseph (1761 – 1783)
              2. Enoch (1763-1829). Marries Joanna Plumer
                1. Joseph
                2. Enoch
                3. Anna
                4. Eliza (
              3. Jonathan (1765-1765)
              4. xxx Jaques
              5. Elizabeth (1768-1850)
              6. Lly (1769-xxx)
              7. Anna (1770-1770)
              8. Richard (1771-1851). Marries Eunice Thurston (1779 – 1836) Probate #: 43486
                1. William (1800 – 1832). Marries Elizabeth Savory (1801 – 1876)
                  1. Edmund (1826 – 1899)
                  2. John Thurston (1828 – xxx)
                  3. William Daniel  (1830 – 1911). Marries Sarah Adelaide Reed
                2. Matilda (1802 -1885)
                3. Betsy (1804-1872)
                4. Richard Thurston (1806 – 1893) Marries Caroline Noyes (1808 – 1889)
                  1. Richard
                  2. Elizabeth Coates
                  3. Caroline Elizabeth
              9. Martha (1772 – 1835)
              10. William (1774-1774)
            7. Enoch (1732 -1750) at Newbury
            8. Prudence (ca 1730-4 Dec 1763). Marries Edmond Knight. S of Capt Richard Knight and Elizabeth Jaques.
        5. Hannah (1656-1731).  On 15 Jan 1679 Hannah married Ephraim Plummer, son of Samuel Plummer (ca 1619-Dec 1701) & Mary Bitfield (-ca 1701), in Newbury, MA. Born on 16 Sep 1654 in Newbury, MA. Ephraim died in Newbury, MA, on 13 Aug 1715; he was 60.
          1. Mary Plummer (19 Feb 1679/80-)
          2. Samuel Plummer (27 Oct 1684-ca Oct 1757)
          3. Richard Plummer (3 Aug 1695-1745)
        6. Stephen (1661- bef 29 Oct 1744) in Newbury, MA. On 13 May 1684 when Stephen was 22, he married Deborah Plummer, daughter of Samuel Plummer (ca 1619-Dec 1701) & Mary Bitfield (-ca 1701), in Newbury, MA. Born on 13 Mar 1664/5 in Newbury, MA.
          1. Stephen (1684 – 1684)
          2. Stephen (28 Jul 1686-bef 3 Nov 1778). married Thankful Taylor (1690-1753)
            1. Child (1714 – )
            2. Hannah (1715 -xx)
            3. Sarah (1716 – )
            4. Susanna (1719 – xx)
            5. Eleanor (1723 – xx)
            6. Deborah (1721 – xxx)
            7. Stephen (1721 – xxx)
            8. Henry (1731 – xxx)
          3. Henry (1689 – 1723) married Mary Coffin (1690-1760)
            1.  Mary (xxx – xxx) Marries Samuel Pierce
            2. Eliphalet (1714-1804) Marries Lydia Adams in 1737
              1. Henry (1737 -1792). Marries Sarah Knight
              2. David (1739 – 1760)
              3. Edmund (1740 – 1741)
              4. Lydia (1742  1744)
              5. Eliphalet (1744 – xxx)
              6. Edmund (1746 – 1747)
              7. Enoch (1748 – 1809) Marries Mary Hale (1742 – 1818) about 1772
              8. Sally (1751 – 1775)
              9. Parker (1754 – 1848) Marries Mary Newman (1754 – 1826) in 1775
                1. Eliphalet (1774 – 1863). Marries Elizabeth Davis (1791 – 1864)
                  1. Caroline Sullivan (6 JAN 1812
                  2. William Davis (14 SEP 1814 Newbury
                  3. Addison Brown (1819-xx) marries Emily R. Farnsworth in 1842) Some of his estate is at the Haverhill Library Special Collections. Clerk and Treasurer in 1853. Also listed as a bookseller, president of Atheneum.
                2. Lydia
                3. Mary (26 FEB 1780 Newbury,
                4. Susanna Newman
                  b. 1782 Newbury, Essex, Mass.
                5. Rebecca
                6. Enoch Marries Sally Williams Tilton
                7. Rhoda
                8. Sarah
                9. Eunice
              10. Mehitable (1756 – xxx)
              11. Mary (1758 – 1760)
              12. Eliphalet (1761 – xxx)
              13. Eunice (1750 – 1837). marries Samuel Pearson in 1768
            3.  Love
            4. Florence
            5. Parker  (24 FEB 1721/2  – 6 OCT 177)
          4. Samuel (19 Mar 1691/2-). married Lydia Pike (1698 – 1770), daughter of John Pike (28 Dec 1671-ca 1752) & Lydia Coffin (22 Apr 1662-25 Mar 1719), (potential d. of Tristam JR., Tristam) in Newbury, MA.
            1. Hannah (1718 – 1718)
            2. John (1721 – 1803). Marries Sarah Jaques (1715-1805) d. of Samuel Jaques and Thankful Taylor.
              1.  Lydia (3 MAR 1746/7 Newbury,
              2.  Stephen (1748 – 1841). Marries Phebe Hovey.
                1. Phebe (1776 – xxx) Marries John Ilsley in 1798
                2. Benjamin  (29 MAY 1778 Newbury, Essex, Mass.
                3. Mary ( 1780 – 1858) marries John Knight
                4. Paul (25 APR 1782 Newbury,
                5.  Eleanor ( 1784 – 1841) Marries Benjamin Short in 1813
                6. Ilsley (1786 Newbury, Essex, Mass.
              3. Thankful (MAY 1754 Newbury,
              4. John (9 SEP 1756 Newbury, Essex, Mass.
              5. Elizabeth (Betty) (12 AUG 1758 Newbury, Essex, Mass.
            3. Samuel (1 Mar 1729-10 Jul 1824). Married Kezia Thompson
              1. Samuel (5 MAR 1752 – 1753)
              2. Samuel (26 SEP 1753 in Wilmington, MA
              3. John b: 29 MAY 1758 – 1810). Marries Hannah Eames.
                1. John (xxx – xx) Marries Mary Gray
                  1. Mary Ann (4 FEB 1809 Tewksbury,
                  2. Lucy (8 FEB 1811 Tewksbury, Middlesex,
                  3. John Phillips
                    b. 12 APR 1815 Tewksbury,
                  4. Hannah Eames
                    b. 1 APR 1818 Tewksbury, Middlesex,
                  5. Julia Jane
                    b. 3 DEC 1820 Tewksbury, Middlesex,
                  6. William Henry (16 FEB 1823 Tewksbury,
                  7. Martha Ellen
                    b. 2 MAY 1830 Tewksbury, Middlesex,
                  8. Hannah Matilda Eames
                    b. 1 JUL 1832 Tewksbury, Middlesex,
                2. Clarissa
                3. Hannah
                4. Nathan
                5. Samuel
                6. Mary
                7. Oliver
              4. Has No Children Lydia b: 4 AUG 1758
              5. Has No Children Keziah (23 OCT 1760 – 1830)
              6. Has No Children Sarah b: 11 MAR 1762
              7. Has No Children Leonard (15 FEB 1764 in Wilmington, Ma
          5. Mary (26 Sep 1694-1720). On 24 Nov 1715 when Mary was 21, she first married Parker Greenleaf (20 Feb 1694/5 – 1722) son of John Greenleaf (21 Jun 1662-ca 24 May 1734) & Elizabeth Hills (Feb 1668/9-5 Aug 1712), On 27 Dec 1725 when Mary was 31, she second married Nathan Noyes (18673) (1691 – 1752) son of Capt. James Noyes (6791) (16 May 1657-ca 1723) & Hannah Knight (11101) (30 Aug 1664-25 Sep 1745).

            1. Sarah Noyes (13 Dec 1726-)
            2. Mary Noyes (18 May 1729-28 Oct 1808). On 8 May 1750 when Mary was 20, she married Samuel Jaques (43341) (20 Nov 1728 Newbury – xx), son of Benjamin Jaques (26672) (23 Sep 1702-13 Sep 1782) & Mary Noyes (36233) (24 Nov 1710-30 Mar 1805), in Newbury. Samuel is Mary’s cousin because his father Benjamin is Mary (Jaques) Noyes’ sister.
          6. Sarah (1697-1763). Married Moses Little (1690 – 1780) in 1715
          7. Richard (1 Apr 1700-1777). On 19 Feb 1722/3 when Richard was 22, he married Judith Noyes (1702 – 1793) , daughter of Thomas Noyes (7651) (10 Aug 1648-24 Apr 1730) & Elizabeth Greenleaf (5 Apr 1660-), in Newbury, MA. Born on 17 Apr 1702 in Newbury, MA.
            1. Thomas (1723-1807). Married Sarah Haskell
          8. Benjamin (23 Sep 1702-13 Sep 1782). Marries 1) Appiah Coffin (1705 – 1726) 2) Mary Noyes (1710 – 1805), on 5 Dec 1727(d. John Noyes (18633) (15 Feb 1677/8-15 Jun 1719) & Mary Thurlow (1 May 1682-6 Apr 1747).

            1. Samuel (20 Nov 1728 – 1824).  Marries Mary Noyes (36267) (1729-1808) daughter of Nathan Noyes (18673) (5 Feb 1691/2-1752) & Mary Jaques (26670) (26 Sep 1694-), On 8 May 1750 in Newbury, MA. Mary Noyes is Samuel’s cousin because her mother Mary (Jaques) Noyes is Benjamin’s sister. Probate #: 14781

              1. Sarah (6 Nov 1751 – 12 May 1836 at West Newbury), m. at Newbury 16 apr 1777 Somersby Chase (26 Feb 1745/6 – 16 Mar 1822 at West Newbury) s. of Ezra and Abigail (Lowe) Chase
              2. Jane  (3 Jul 1753 – 26 Oct 1836) gets land in Bradford from Samuel, 1/2 dwelling house.
              3. Molly  (8 Mar 1755 – 27 Jan 1824) the land and furniture that Molly got goes to Jane on Samuel’s death
              4. Samuel  (8 Mar 1757 -1 Jul 1828 at Sanbornton, NH, m. at Newbury 12 Aug 1779 Eunice Chase (20 Jun 1759 at Newbury – 6 Jun 1843 at Sanbornton, dau. of Ezra and Abigail (Lowe) Chase);
                1. Simon (1780 – 1835). Marries Elizabeth Connor
                2. Stephen (1782-1791)
                3. Samuel (1784-1813) Marries Ruth Sanborn
                  1. Jeremiah
                  2. John S (1812- xxx
                  3. Mary S.
                4. Jane
                5. Jeremiah (1788 – ). Marries Mary Polly Tilton (1789 – 1844)
                  1. Stephen
                  2. Emily
                  3. Paschal V.
                  4. Mary T.
                  5. Lucinda H.
                  6. Sophrina (1826-1863). Marries Jacob C. Whitcher. 
                6. Eunice
                7. John
                8. Chase (1796-1876). Marries 1) Mary Taylor Moore, 2) Nancy Plummer
                  1. Alfred Edwin (1823 – xx). Marries Sarah Elizabeth Hazelton in 1853.
                    1. Mary Ann (1855 – xxx)
                9. Theodate Sanborn
                10. Belina
                11. Fanny
              5. Stephen (31 Mar 1759 – 15 Jan 1827 at West Newbury), m. at Newbury 15 Jan 1827 Mary Bartlett (ca. 1757 -20 Nov 1836) (1763-1836) gets land in Newtown, NH. Probate #: 14785

                1. Jane (1805 – 1892 ) Marries Isaac Thompson
                2. Mary (1791-1868) Marries 1) Stephen Adams, Jr., 2) William Dawkins
                3. William (1789 – 1861). Marries Lydia Bartlett (1794 – 1870)
                  1. Lydia Elizabeth (1829 – xx)
                4. John (1799 – 1820)*
                5. Giles M. (1801 – 1876)*. Marries Mary A. (1806 – 1876)
                  1. Charles S. (1833 – 1836)
                  2. Mary A. (1834 – 1835)
                  3. Giles M. (1839 – 1839)
                  4. Elizabeth H. (1851 – 1853)
                6. Joseph W. (1791 – xxx)(1830-1863)
                7. Theodore (1794 – 1863). Marries Betsey Elliot (1791-1870)
                8. Sarah Bagley (1797-1880) Marries John England in 1818. Fracture of skull from a fall.
              6. Nathan (15 Aug 1761 – 19 Sep 1818 in Ipswich, MA), m. there 22 Sep 1792 Anna Patch (d. before 1814), m. 2nd 19 Jun 1814 Mary (b. ca. 1772, d. 23 Jan 1843);
                1. Anna (1797 – xx)
                2. Anstic (1799 – 1884). Marries Moses Hale
                3. Susan
                4. Caroline
              7. Simon (10 Nov 1763 – 25 Nov 1768) at Newbury;
              8. Richard (11 Jan 1766 – 14 Aug 1844) at Haverhill, MA, m. 26 Jun 1792 Molly (Polly) Emerson (9 May 1762 at Haverhill – 30 Jul 1849), dau. of Benjamin & Hannah (Watts) Emerson); Gets land in Bradford from Samuel.

                1. Sophia (1795 – 1875). Marries John Ladd 25 Aug 1814.
                2. Moses G. (1799 – 1886). Marries 1) Sophrina Robbins (1807 – 1828 ) Apr. 8, 1826 d. of James Robbins and Mary, 2) Eliza Ann Harriman (1809 – 1892) in July 12, 1828.  Less than 6 months after his first wife died. Lives at 23 E. Main Street. Eliza is d. of Israel Harriman and Betsey Ingersol.

                  1. Sophrina (1828? – xx) Marries Rufus Knowles Chase (1823 – 1880) In 1865 census, Rufus is living with Lydia B. Chase (widow age 47). No data to support that Sophrina is Rufus’ child, but makes sense due to wills etc.
                    1. Samuel Foot Chase (1852 -xx) marries Olive E. Quested (xx -xx) in 1872 (in will of Moses Jaques)
                    2. Angelina H. (1853 – xx) or Algernon
                    3. Rufus A. Chase (1853 – xx) marries Mary C. Merrill (1857 -xx) in 1875
                      1. Cora Mabelle (1882 -xx) marries xxx Ramsey
                        1. Ruth (xxx-xx)
                    4. Edwin W. (1856 – xx) marries Carrie P. Noyes ( xx-xx) in xx.
                      1. Edna Louise (1894
                      2. Jessie Clifford (1900
                      3. Fred Augustus (1883 -xx) marries Regina Lalumiere (1888 – xx) in 1908
                      4. Rufus Burton (1886
                    5. Abram W. (1860 – xx)
                  2. John Ingersoll (1842 – 1864) marries Nellie R. Davis (1845 -1890) in 1863

                    1. Jennie F. (1862 -xx) marries John L. Jackman (1854 -xx) in 1881
                    2. Nellie E. (1864 – xx) marries Edwin C. Fowler (xx-xx) in 1885
                  3. George W. (1846 – 1923). marries an Annie (Annis?) Martha Bailey (1848 – 1907). in 1880 living between Samuel Woodman and William Ramsey. 
                    1. Annie Louise (1873 – ) marries Emery Dean Williams (1874 -1951) in 1898. Listed as divorced in 1920 census. Living with father and daughter.

                      1. Edna Harriman Williams (1907 – xx) marries Lloyd Sanford Ray (1905-1987) in 1939
                  4. Moses E. shoemaker (1829 – 1899) marries Abbie H. Foot (1832 – 1906) 1852. Abbie is d. of John Foot and Sarah Rollins Foot.  Census 1855: Moses E. Jaques (25) is living with Abbie J. Jaques (22) Abbie A. Jaques (2). 1880 census Moses (50) Abbie (48) invalid
                    1. Abbie A.  (1853-1897 Suicide Drowning). Marries  Stephen Edward COLBY on 12 DEC 1876 in Haverhill, (SOURCE: NEHGS, Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910.)
                      1. Harry C. COLBY
                      2. Lowell W. COLBY
                      3. Percy Roland COLBY
                      4. Marion P. COLBY
                      5. Carrie Kimball COLBY
                    2. Erwin L. (1857 – xx) marries Maud E. Colby Tozier in 1896
                    3. Herbert U. (1862 – xx)
                    4. Bertie H. (1863 – 1865)
                  5. Edwin H., shoemaker (1834 – 1908)  Edwin marries Georgiana (1834 – 1922)
                    1. Georgia (1857-1857) buried at Greenwood.
                    2. Eliza (1858 – xx
                    3. Albert (1866 – xx)
                  6. Edwina Harriman (1840  – ) (Eliza’s son/daughter from first husband????
                3. Hannah (1793 – 1862) Marries Ephraim Bailey Orne (1793-1845) See Orne Page for more details

                  1. John L. Orne
                  2. Thomas J. Orne
                  3. Martin Vanburen Orne
                4. Phila (1797 – 1844) is listed as Richard and Molly’s daughter on gravestone died at 17 yrs so she was born in 1827, but that would have made her mother 65.
              9. Judith (13 Aug 1768, d. 14 Oct 1773)
              10. Elisabeth (18 Sep 1771 – 8 Sep 1778)
              11. Simon (24 Jun 1773 – 29 Aug 1778) at Newbury
              12. Judith (17 Sep 1775 – after 1851), m. 1st Benjamin Bradley, m. 2nd at Newbury 26 Apr 1795 (d. before Dec 1799).
            2. Benjamin (7 Feb 1731/32  – 1732 ) married Judith Noyes (1742-1819) , daughter of Capt. Ephraim Noyes (18676) (25 Dec 1698-5 Apr 1779) & Abigail (-1783), in Newbury, MA 4 Mar 1762.

              1. Noyes (10 Jan 1763 –  2 Jan 1823 Comsumption) at Bradford, Married Polly Savory (19 Jun 1768 at Bradford – 5 Jan 1826) in 2 Aug 1788
                1. Sally (1791 – 1846 )
                2. Susanna (1797 – 1875)
                3. William (1789 – 1830). Marries Mary Ann Hoyt (1787 – 1845)
                  1. Benjamin Hoyt (1812 – 1888). Marries Margaret Hazen Plummer
                  2. Mary  Ann
                  3. Thomas Savory (1816 – 1818)
                  4. William Thomas (1820 – ). Marries Sarah A. Hamlin 1839. Died of (over exertion) in a field near his home. (according to death record) Buried in Walnut Cemetery Haverhill.
                    1. Harriett H. (xxx –  Apr, 2, 1847, a, 8 y. G. R. 4.)
                    2. Charles A.
                  5. Joseph Noyes (1822 – 1898). Marries Sarah P. Leighton in 1844.
                    1. Sarah Elizabeth (1844 – )
                    2. George William (1855 – 1886)
                    3. Florence Hall (1858 – )
                  6. Aaron Pardee
                  7. Daniel Dana
                4. Benjamin (1802 – xxx). Marries Eliza Marsh in 1823
                  1. –––––, ch. Benjamin, July 14, 1824. PR1
                  2.  Francis, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth G., Aug. 19, 1825.
                  3.  Ebenezer (Sept. 16, 1827 – Jan. 14, 1847, a. 19 y, consumption) shoemaker
                  4. James Marsh (Aug. 29 [27. PR1], 1829 – 1830 dysentery)
                  5.  –––––, ch. Benjamin, Sept. 1, 1832.
                5. Mary (~1794 – Oct. 15, 1817 Typhoid Fever)
                6. Deborah (1803 – 1855)
                7. Ebenezer (1807 – 1871). Marries Rebecca Ann George in 1832. Parents receive $100 from Phippin to purchase land.
                  1. Phippin Hill (June 26, 1833 – 1863) marries Francis Ellen xxx (xx – xx) in xx. Probate #: 43485.  Shoe Dealer. Francis Ellen gets most of the estate. (I think Francis marries a Hall by 1876)
                    1. Clara Tulula (1856- xx) receives $1000 from father, along with mahogany case of drawers and a silver plated cake basket. Probate #: 43470 guardianship to Moses How.
                  2. Melvin Francis (1838 – )
                  3. Ellen Maria (1840 – 1879). died a singlewoman. Probate # 43473. Gave all her property to her brother Melvin. Other heirs E. N. Jaques (Brother). C. S. Sargent -wife of Clarence Sargent (niece), Rebecca Jaques (mother).  Received from her brother Phippin $25.00
                  4. Henry William (1843 – 6 Dec 1868) Probate #: 43476 listed as shoecutter for Moses How, wholesale mfg of Ladies, Misses, and Children’s Boots and Shoes on Merrimac Street. $1000 life ins policy.
                  5. Ebenezer N.(1845 – xx)
                8. Maria (1810 – x)
              2. Abigail (14 Sep 1765 – 16 Sep 1845 at Bradford)
              3. Joseph (18 Apr 1768 – xxx)
              4. Benjamin (26 Jul 1770 – 14 Nov 1793 at Bradford) Eliza [Elizabeth, int.] Marsh, Sept. 3, 1823.

                1. Priscilla (1824 – 1824)
                2. Francis (1825 – xx)
                3. Ebenezer (1827 – Jan. 14, 1847, a. 19 y) Unmarried. Shoemaker. Died of Consumption.
                4. James Marsh (1829 – Sept. 12, 1830)
                5. Child (1832 – xxx)
              5. Silas (Mar 1773 – Jun 1776)
              6. Judith (7 Sep 1776 – xx), m. Ebenezer Jewett (b. Mar 1771 at Rowley, MA – 18 Mar 1817 at Bradford, son of Samuel & Miriam (Pool) Jewett);
              7. Silas (1779 – 1787)
              8. Parker (11 Oct 1782, m. at Haverhill 2 Jul 1810 Catherine Gage (16 Jul 1788, dau. of Thomas & Mary (Whittier) Gage)

                1. Thomas (xxx – 1859) marries Sarah Hull (xxx – xx) seamstress in 1844 in Bradford. d. of Samuel and Sally Hull.
                  1. Catherine (10 Apr 1849 – )
                  2. Horace Parker (10 Apr 1849 – xx) Probate #: 43477 guardianship
                  3. George Thomas (1856 – xx
              9. Ephraim (Oct 1785- 30 Sep 1821) at Bradford.
            3. Sarah (1736 – 1836).
            4. Mary (22 May 1736, d. 1780;\
            5. Deborah (27 Mar 1738 – 20 May 1837). Marries Israel Adams (1734-1812)
            6. Richard (ca. 1739 – xxx)
            7. Apphia (23 Jun 1740 – 10 Nov 1769 at Newbury)
            8. Stephen (ca. 28 Aug 1742 – 2 Sep 1742)
            9. Parker (10 Oct 1743, d. 1819, m. at Newbury 1 Dec 1767 Sarah Adams (1 Apr 1745, dau. of Matthew & Hannah (Rawlings) Adams);
            10. Elizabeth (25 Feb 1745/46 -13 Nov 1837 in West Newbury)
            11. Moses (23 Jun 1749 – 16 Jul 1824 at West Newbury. Marries Abigail Hale, Aug. 15, 1782

              1. Moses (1783 – xx). Moses, jr., marries Hannah Chase, int. Oct. 27, 1804.
                1. Abigail Hale (1805 – xxx)
                2. Emma Chase (1806 – xxx). Marries Isaac Heath of Hampstead, NH, Apr. 9, 1839.
                3. Sarah Woodman (1808 – xxx)
                4. Charles Moody (1810 – Oct. 13, 1838, a. 28 y)
                5. Susan (1812 – xxx)
                6. Mary Noyes (1815 – xxx). Marries William Giddings of Newbury, int. Aug. 1, 1846.
                7. Hannah Eliza (1816 – 1838) Buried in Hampstead
              2. Moody (1789 – xxx). Marries Maria Goodridge (1801 – Dec. 20, 1827, a. 26 y.), July 13, 1819
            12. Molly (1755-1824)
            13. Edna (6 May 1752 – 12 Feb 1832)
            14. Stephen (ca. 1753.
          9. Anna (23 Feb 1704-14 Sep 1778). Married Robert Adams
          10. Elizabeth  (1 Feb 1707/8-ca 1745). Married Enoch Knight.
        7. Sarah (20 Mar 1663 in Newbury, MA. On 10 Oct 1683 when Sarah was 20, she married John Hale, son of John Hale (ca 1635-2 Jun 1707) & Rebecca Lowell (27 Jan 1641/2-1 Jun 1662), in Newbury, MA. Born on 2 Sep 1661 in Newbury, MA.128 John died in Newbury, MA, on 4 Mar 1725/6; he was 64. Three Children: Richard, Ruth, Ann
        8. Daniel Jaquish ( February 20, 1666/67; – Unknown.  married Susanna Williams (11 Apr 1672 – Sept. 22, 1725) March 20, 1692/93. Susanna is the daughter of John Williams and Rebecca Colby.
          1. Daniel Jr. (December 27, 1693; – Unknown) Married Hannah Carlton, Nov. 8, 1722
            1. Nehamiah (1723 – )
            2. Ebenezer (1725 – x) Marries Elizebath Mullicken (1724 – xxx) , Oct. 22, 1747
            3. Daniel (1728 – 1775) Marries 1) Abigal Mullicken (1734-1764), Dec. 9, 1756 and 2) Sarah Gage Dustin (1718-xxx) in Mar. 15, 1764 (Sarah marries Nathaniel Dustin 1st

              1. Edward (1760 – xxx) s of Abigail
              2. Abigail (July 23, 1768 – ) d of Sara
              3. Daniel (1771 – xxx) s. of Sara
              4. Hannah (1764 – xxx) d of sara
              5. Sarah (1766 – xxx) d. of Sara
              6. Priscilla (1777 – xxx) d of Sara
            4. Edward (1731 – xx)
          2. Richard  (February 02, 1695/96 – 1747 Cumberland County Maine)
          3. John  (August 13, 1698 in Bradford, Essex Co., MA; died Unknown.) Marries Sarah Heasletine [Haseltine. CR1], Nov. 21, 1723.
            1. Abigail (1724 – Feb 16, 1741 age 17yr)
            2. John (1741 – xx)
          4. Abigail (1702 – xx) Marries Benjamin Allen of Suffield, Oct. 23, 1718.
          5. Susanna (1704 – xxx)
          6. Ruth Jaquish, (April 02, 1709 – 1752). Married Ezekiel Wilson September 07, 1727.
          7. Moses  (May 04, 1711 in Bradford, Essex Co., MA; died Unknown.
          8. Hannah  (March 01, 1715/16 in Bradford, Essex Co., MA; died Unknown.
        9. Elizabeth (1669 -1743 in Newbury, MA.) married Capt. Richard Knight
        10. Ruth (1672 in Newbury, MA. -9 Jan 1764; she was 91) married Ens. Stephen Emery
        11. Abigail (1672/3 – bef 24 Jan 1763 in Newbury, MA) married Benjamin Knight

Priscilla (Jaques), d. Ebenezer, Esq. and Sarah (Adams) [con-
sumption, c. R. I.], June 27, 1816. [July 18, a. 6 ra. c. r. i.]

Ebenezer Gage Jaques, Esq., 2d m., and Sarah Adams, Mar. 16, 181 5.

Priscilla Jaques (xxxx – 1812), marries Ebenezer Gage, Dec. 3, 1811.*

Sophia Jaques d. Hannah of Bradford born Sept 21,1787

Ephraim Lake  marries Harriet E. Jaques of Newburyport, int. Sept. 13 1833

  1. Stafford Jaques (Farmer) (xxx -1877)
    1. Alden Porter
    2. George S.
    3. Sylvester C.
    4. Mary A. (xx – xx) marries R. A. Patter (n)
1850 census- 23 e main street
868-1095  Moses G. JAQUES, 51, shoemaker, $700
          Eliza ", 41
          Edwin HARRIMAN, 11 (relative of Eliza???)born in TN

Jaques John J. and Jaques Edwin H. — I9th. In the late war of the rebellion in 1862. Co. D. 134? Mass Vol. INF.




