From Map 430, Block 7
Lot 1 (bounded by 12 Rod Way and East Broadway) see 917 East Broadway page
Lot 2, Block 7, Plan 430 1.5 acres
1798, Jan 5 (219/297) Sarah Chase to Jonathan Tukesbury. Along Road from Swett’s ferry to haverhilll town, 12 Rod Way, Moses Moody, and heirs of land of Swett. Being about 3 acres.
1818, Nov 24 (219/297) Jonathan Tewksbury and Elizabeth to Elias Weld. Along 12 Road way, Along land of Moses S. Moody 43R, Along land of Daniel Swan 6R (21 East Main), Along Road 54R.
1842, May 30 (331/131) Abigail Elliot (w of David Elliot) via Auction to Ebenezer Fullington. 23R along John Johnson (this day sold), 26R along Joseph Esterbrook, 12R along 12 Rod Way, 15R along Poyen then 14R along Poyen, then 15R along road.
1842: (330/293) Ebenezer Fullington to Stephen N. Page Land on Main Street leading from Village to Haverhill town. Bounded on road 3R (Pitch Pine), East by Samuel & Lydia Chase 12R4L, South by Fullington 3.5R, West by Fullington 13R.
1845, May 3: (401/43) Ebenezer Fullington to Stephen N. Page. Land on road leading from Rocks Village to Haverhill town. Running south by Fullington land to Esterbrook land then east to land of Page then north by Page land then west on road about 1 acres
1845: (401/44) Ebenezer Fullington to Stephen N Page. Tillage land near Rocks Village. Beginning on road leading to Village at the westerly corner of Page land and running southeasterly by Page land 13R, then easterly by Page land 1R 18L, then southerly by Mary H. Smith (wife of William) 11R. Then westerly by Esterbrook land 4R10L, then northerly by Fullington land 22R 4L to road and then 15L along road.
1849, April 10: Stephen N. (House Carpenter) (1810 – xx) and Phebe S. Page to S. D. Maynard (Comb maker) (410/231) Tillage land with Buildings Bounded westerly by William Haskell (Lot 1 – 917 East Broadway) 29R20L, Southerly by Joseph Esterbrook 10R4L, Easterly by William Smith (lot 3) 17R1L to center of well then through a pine pitch tree 8R to a stake and stone at road by road 11R5L.
1850, 9 Sept: (441/69): Samuel D. Maynard and Sally G. Maynard to Abraham Colby (Betsy Lord) of Haverhill. 1.5 acres of tillage land and buildings. Starting at Moses P. Brooking (lot 1) (29R22L) then running easterly by Joseph Esterbrook 10R4L, then northerly by William Smith (Lot 3) to a Pine Pitch 17R1L and then 4L to first bound on road from Merrimac Bridge to Haverhill.
1855: (535/41) Charles H. Colby and Emily S. Colby to Abraham (Abram in deed) Yeoman (wife: Betsy Lord) Colby 1/2 undivided Share. Mortgage with Ann Bagley (535/42). Charles is the son of Abraham and Betsy.
1883 (1105/102) Heirs of Elizabeth (wife of Abraham) to Addie Sophia (Colby) Hicks. Mortgage with Daniel T. Gross in 1883 (1105/103)
1923, Aug 22: (2567/213): Flora M Osborne administrator for Addie S. Hicks, wife of Samuel Hicks to Edwin H. Block. On west Moses P Brookings, South Joseph Esterbrook, East William Smith, through well to Pitch pine and along East Broadway (11R5L).
1924, May 21: (2664/282): Edwin H. Block and Della V. Block to Charles P. Bradley. 29R20L along Anna A. Kimball, 10R4L along Ramsey, 17R1L along Ramsey, to pitch pine 4R, then westerly by East Broadway 11R5L.
1948, June 28: City of Haverhill to Florence J. Sutherland Lot 2, Block 7, Plan 430. (3540/80) Taken for taxes in 1943 from Charles P. Bradley.
1956, Aug 11: Florence J. Sutherland to D. Frank Sutherland. Parcel 1: 22 x 8 x 24.6 by 9.6 by east Broadway; Parcel 2: Lot 2, Block 7, Plan 430. (917 East Broadway) (4297/540)
1956, Sept 10: Donald R. Sutherland and Annie B. Sutherland to Florence J. Sutherland: 4306/278 Parcel 1: 24.6 rods, by 9.6 rods along East Broadway, totaling 1.5 acres; Parcel 2: Lot 2, Block 7, Plan 430
Lot 3:
1818 219/297: Jonathan and Elizabeth Tukesbury to Elias Weld. 54R along road, 6R along Swan, 43R along Moses S. Moody, 6 R along 12 Rod Way.
1822: 315/240: Moses S. Moody to David Elliot
1844 (348/82) Lydia Chase and Samuel W. Chase to Samuel Thompson 4R along Road, 11 along John Johnson, 3R 3.5L along Fullington, 12R4L along Page.
1845: 446/14-15 three deeds. Fullington to Smith, Samuel Thompson to Smith, Samuel W. Chase to Smith, and Stephen Page to Smith. Then in 1847 446/16 Eustis Chase to Smith. Mortgaged by Johnathan Emerson in 1850 a total piece of land 9R6.5L on Road, 21 R along S. Foote, 7R21L along Joseph Esterbrook and 73R?? through well back to road. (446/17)
1845 (353/222) Discharge of mortgage on land sold by Samuel W. Chase to Smith in 446/15.
1852, Feb 11: 472/82: William and Mary H. Smith to Samuel Lord. 9R16.5L along road. 21R along Samuel C. Foot on east. 7R20L on Joseph Esterbrook on South. 23R running through Well to road. Right to pass a repass on passage way agreement established with Abram Colby June 6th 1850.
1861, April 27: William Mills, Eleanor Mills, Robert Melvin and Elizabeth Melvin to Samuel Lord (666/270). Bounded by Maynard 22 R, J Esterbrook 8 R, Abram Colby 24.6R and Road 9R6L
1864, May 2: Samuel Lord to Sarah J. Couch (nee Sylvester) widow of Daniel Couch. (667/220) 22R along Maynard land, 8R Esterbrook, 24.6 R heirs of Abram Colby, 9R6/10R along road.
1937, Sept 10: George F. Ramsey, William, Lewis, Annie P, Small, Beatrice J. Ramsey, Cora M. Ramsey, Ida E. Ramsey, and George B. Small to Florence J. Ramsey 3122/573 (most likely lot 3, block 7, plan 430
22 Rods along Grace Kimball, formerly William H. Ramsey, by 8 rods along William H. Ramsey, by 24.6 rods, by 9.6 rods along East Broadway, totaling 1.5 acres
1869, March 17: Sarah Jane Couch of Amesbury to William H. Ramsey for $400. beginning at the most northerly corner at the well, and running southerly by land of F. Maynard 22R then westerly by John L. Easterbrook 8R, then northerly by land of Abraham Colby 24 6/10 R to highway leading to Haverhill Village 9R. Containing about 1.5 acres. (785/60) Mortgage 770/17 dated April 14 1869.
1937, Sept 10: George F. Ramsey, William, Lewis, Annie P, Small, Beatrice J. Ramsey, Cora M. Ramsey, Ida E. Ramsey, and George B. Small to Florence J. Ramsey 3122/573 (most likely lot 3, block 7, plan 430
Lot 10, 12, 13, 14:
1937, Sep 10: George F. Ramsey, William, Lewis, Annie P, Small, Beatrice J. Ramsey, Cora M. Ramsey, Ida E. Ramsey, and George B. Small to Florence J. Ramsey Lots 10, 12, 13, and 14 of Block 7, Plan 430.(3122/575)
Parcel two: Lots 10, 12, 13, and 14, Block 7 plan 430. 16 acres
1960, Dec 29 from D. Frank Sutherland to Frank Garwich. (4733/218)
1853, March 18: Hiram Lord to Samuel Lord. Starting at most northerly corner on road leading from Merrimac Bridge to Plaistow, at a drift or bridal way, and running by said way southwesterly 59R20L by land of William D. S. Chase, than southeasterly by land of said chase to land of James C. Elliot 31R11L then northerly by said Elliot’s land 11R7L then southeasterly by said Elliot’s land 63R11L to land of William D. S. Chase then northeasterly by Chase’s land31R17L to Road73R12L to first mentioned bound. (not sure about this sounds more like Amesbury Line Road) (Mortgage: May 2, 1856 544/253) discharge 551/228