1760 built by Deacon John Foot.

There are three major sections of this property ranging from north to south along Wharf Lane. The most northerly contains the house. The middle and southerly portions are land only, although there is a barn just south of the house now as there might have been in the past as well. As this property changed hands, the sections were often also divided roughly in half, creating an eastern half and a western half. By 1841 Samuel Foot had consolidated the sections into a single property.
North Section including the house:
1796 172/84, Moses Moody to John Brown including the house s Abbot, w Moody, n Swan 3.5 R wide, 7 R deep (eastern half)
1801, July 23: John Brown Jr. to Nathaniel Chaney (175/120). First piece of land in deed. 25R (7 x 3.5R) with a building , Little on s and Swan on n, Moody on w
1805 197/27 Cheney (actually Sargent acting as adm of Cheney estate) 2/3 house to Noyes, Swan n, 1/3 for widow Cheney
1814 203/141 Jacob Noyes to Wm Poor, 2/3 house, Swan on north.
1821, May 12: William Poor to William George (234/66). 2/3 of dwelling house. E. Foot on West, N. Ladd on North, Road on east, Widow Cheney 1/3 on south.
1824, Apr 13: William George and Hannah George to Samuel C. Foot (244/164). Lot of land with the buildings. E. Foot on West 2R 18L, N. Ladd on North, Road on east 2R 18L, Widow Cheney 1/3 on south. Including all land of Cheney’s at his decease except for the widow’s 1/3.
1829 E Foot (other deed reference) house? S. Foot owner of w half ( E and S Foot only distantly related)
1840 Dolly Little in house, S Foot owned w half of land
1855 census Moses and Dolly Little, Sam Foot
Middle Section: (bounded on east by #34)
Most of these deeds encompass the full width e to w.
These first two could refer to the South section:
1798, Mar 19: W. L. Abbott and Abigail ( Wingate) to Walter Little. 48R of land bounded: s. Moses Moody 12 R, e. Moses Moody 4R, n. Walter Little 12R, e. Abbott 4R. (172/83) This is full width e to w.
1798, Mar 20: Walter Little to John Brown. 48R of land bounded: s. Moses Moody 12R, e. Moses Moody 4R, n. Walter Little 12R, e. Abbott 4R. (172/83-84). Same description as previous deed.
Resume Middle Section:
1801 175/120 J Brown to Nat Cheney (second piece of land) : 48R (12 R deep e to w x 4R) s and w Moody, n Little, e Parker.
1801, Dec 7: Nathaniel and Hannah Cheney to Moses Moody (171/35). 48 Rods bounded s. by Moses Moody 12R, w. by Moody 4R, n. 12R by Nathaniel Ladd, e. by Frederick Parker 4R to bound beginning. Full depth e to w.
1824: Nathaniel Ladd gets a mortgage from Enoch Foot (237/46). 70 R of land bounded Southerly by E. Foot 12 R, Westerly by E Foot 6R, Northerly partially by E. and partially by S. Foot 11R, Easterly by heirs of Frederick Parker deceased 7R. (Mortgage)
1829, July 7: Nathaniel Ladd Esq from Haverhill to Nathaniel Ladd Blacksmith of Bradford 253/256. 50R of land bounded Southerly by E. Foot 12 R, Westerly by E Foot 4R, Northerly partially by E. and partially by S. Foot 11R, Easterly by A. Parker 4R.
1841, June 11: Enoch and Dolly J. (Ingersoll) Foot to Samuel C. Foot (400/217). 30 rods of land bound e by land of Joseph Estabrook 5R, s by E. Foot 6R10′, w 4R6′ by E. Foot, n by Samuel C. Foot. 7R. Reserving way at east end of land to pass and repass for E. Foot and heirs. This is only the eastern half.
South Section:
1795 Abbot to Brown
1798 Brown owned but see also first two deeds under Middle Section
1824 owned by Ladd (other deed references)
1829 owned by E Foot (other deed references)
1841, June 11: Enoch and Dolly J. (Ingersoll) Foot to Samuel C. Foot (400/217). 30 rods of land bound e by land of Joseph Estabrook 5R, s by E. Foot 6R10′, w 4R6′ by E. Foot, n by Samuel C. Foot. 7R. Reserving way at east end of land to pass and repass for E. Foot and heirs. This is only the eastern half.
1850 census (brother of John Foote, son of Ephraim?)
879-1106 Samuel C. FOOTE, 50, joiner, $800
Betsey (Ingersoll)", 60
James D. ", 27, shoecutter
Dolly ", 19
Samuel L. ", 22, shoemaker
Betsey Ingersoll's (b1787) second Husband was Sam Foot first husband was Harriman.
Dolly Foot (~1831) (daughter of Samuel) married Moses Little. and lived at 29 Wharf Lane
812-1036 Theodore ORDWAY, 50, shoemaker
Mary ", 43
Hazen ", 20, shoemaker
Ann ", 14
Ellen ", 7
Charles ", 3
Moses LITTLE, 25, shoemaker
Abraham CHASE, 24, shoemaker
James C. ELLSWORTH, 40, shoemaker, $4000
1855 Census: Moses C. Little (31) Shoe maker Dolly J. Little (25) Samuel C. Foote (51) Carpenter
1856: S.C. Foot listed on Map
1860 Census:
Moses C. Little (38) Shoemaker
Dolly J. Little (38)
Edward W. Little (5)
1865 Census:
Dolly J. Little (35) Shoebinder (Widow)
1870, Apr 29: Samuel C. Foot to Dolly J. Little (widow of Moses C. Little daughter of Samuel C. Foot) Bounded by Wharf lane and land of Riley. 145.5 ft along road, westerly 98′, northerly 135′ and easterly 113 ‘ back to road (798/102). Separates out smaller lot
1870 Census
Dolly Little (40) keeps house
Eddie W. (14) attends School
Carrie (9) attends school
Luther L. Wilds (33) works in shoe factory
Carrie (32) keeps house
Walter (12) attends School
Leona (9) attends school
Carrie (8) attends School
William Goodwin (33) works in shoe factory
Martha Goodwin (29) keeps house
Jacob Bradley (11) attends school
Lizzie Bradley (13) attends school
1892 map lists Mrs. Dorothy (Foot) Little as owner.
1900 Census
Edward W. Little (44) Shoe worker. son of Moses and Dolly,
Augusta L. (Getchell) Little (34) married on July 2, 1889
Manly (7) at school
1938, Oct 1: Augusta L. Little to city for taxes (3163/304) 0.7 acres. Plat 430, Block 6, Lots 6 & 7. Includes 19, 29 and 37 Wharf Lane
1940 Census:
Manly C. Little – 48 (W. P. A. water pipe project)
Helen P. Little- 48
1941, Aug 19: Lien of Taxes Withdrew (3886/208) goes to Manly and Helen Little
1941 grand son of Dolly Foot and Moses Little owned it.
1952-1955: Manly C. Little and Helen P. Little
1972 and after: John Whittemore
1995 Declaration of Homestead
2008: William F. King and Caron A. King (27469/31) Wharf Lane 203′, southerly 220 by William F. King, Westerly by Garwich an Marjorie Provost 183′, Northerly by Bulgaris 214′