Lot 4 on plat 430
1831: David Elliott owns land behind Moses Jaques (Nathan Chase to John Ladd deed 261/294) Plat 430, Block 7, Lot 4
1847, June 2: Eustis and Maryette Chase to Samuel C. Chase (400/217). Starting at land of Moses Atwood (Lot 8 Colby lane) and running west by Daniel Hall and Joseph Estabrook’s land 21R 15L to land of Mrs. William Smith, then running northerly by Smith land 21R 3L to road leading to Merrimac Bridge, then easterly by road 16R 18L to land of Edward Sealy, then south by Sealy land 5.5R, then easterly by Sealy, Jaques, and Kinnesen, 12 R to land of Atwood, then south on Atwood 6R 8l to the bound first mentioned.
1850, Aug 16: Samuel C. Foot and Betsy H. Foot to Moses Brookings (453/116). Starting at land of Moses Atwood (Lot 8 Colby lane) and running west by Daniel Hall and Joseph Estabrook’s land 21R 15L to land of Mrs. William Smith, then running northerly by Smith land 21R 3L to road leading to Merrimac Bridge, then easterly by road 16R 18L to land of Edward Sealy, then south by Sealy land 5.5R, then easterly by Sealy, Jaques, and Kinnesen, 12 R to land of Atwood, then south on Atwood 6R 8l to the bound first mentioned. And a certain piece of land running south by land of 15-19 East Main7R, then easterly by Daniel Hall 7R, then northerly 5R by Kinneson, then westerly by Kinneson 7R to beginning. (mortgage)
1858, May 26: Moses and Adeline Brookings to F. F. Maynard (573/260). Bounded on south by Daniel Hall and Joseph Estabrook 21R 15L, west by Hiram Lord 21R3L, North 16R 18L along East Main, Then running southerly 5.5 R by Patrick Riley, Easterly by Riley, Jaques, and Kinneson (12 R) then southerly by Brookings 6R 8L to first bound.
1859, Oct 25: Freeman F. Maynard and Sarah A. Maynard to Catherine H. Maynard (597/272)
1861, Jan 30: John and Catherine H. Maynard to Hannah Ramsey (621/277). bounded by Kinneson, Jaques, Riley, East Main, Hiram Lord, Joseph Estabrook, Daniel Hall, then northerly 5R (lot 4 and 8)
1861, Apr 26: Charles C. Ramsey and Hannah Ramsey to Joseph Esterbrook (621/277) lot 4 and 8
1860, Jan 5: Patrick and Alice Riley to Joseph Estabrook (600/235) Starting on highway and running southerly on Freeman F. Maynard 8R, then northerly on Maynard land 5R to Moses Jaques, westerly by Jaques 7R to highway. Seems like a small triangle (perhaps between 47 and 37 East Main. (Mortgage) discharged 618/220 in 1861.
1861, Feb 25: Joseph Estabrook to John L. Estabrook (618/110) Many pieces of land. Northerly by Hall and Maynard, Easterly by land of Hall and Maynard, westerly by land of Moore (Morse?). 3 acres
1869, Aug 14: John L. Estabrook to Frederick Kimball (789/139). Starting on north easterly corner and running south by land of William Colby 5r 6L to Daniel Hall Land, then westerly by Hall, Southerly by Hall and westerly by Hall to Newell Land, then northerly by Samuel Colby and Stephen Noyes to south easterly corner of William Ramsey, then north by Ramsey to Road, then easterly by highway, land of Donegan (Donnegan), Jaques, and Kinnison to the point of beginning. Containing 4 Acres. Map 430, Block 7, Lot 4
1898, June 30: Abigail K. Robinson and Warren L. Robinson to Frederick Kimball. One undivided fourth part (1552/93) 2nd parcel – 4 acres Map 430, Block 7, Lot 4
1898, Oct 12: Addison Kimball and Mary Kimball, Johh L. A. Kimball and Adeline V. Kimball to Frederick Kimball (1559/394) Two undivided fourth parts. 2nd parcel – 4 acres Map 430, Block 7, Lot 4
1936, Aug 8: Nellie S. to Fannie L. Kimball (3081/529) 2nd parcel – 4 acres. Map 430, Block 7, Lot 4
1975, June 16:George H. Kimball to Frank Garwich (6156/202) – 4 acres
1979, Jul 1: Frank Garwich to Walter F. and Patricia C Garwich (6614/17)
1980, Nov 12: Walter and Patricia Garwich to Frank Garwich (6763/283)
1998, Jan 29: Walter F. Garwich and Patricia A Garwich to Frank Garwich and Carroll Buzzell (14602/531)
2002, Aug 30: Considered Colby Lane without a number. 16 acres Buzzell to Buzzell (19189/50)
1731/2: John Swett of Haverhill, innholder and wife Sarah to Samuel Chase yeoman (64/79 ) for 167 xx bills of credit 18.5 acres and 23 rods in the same county and butted and bounded: start at xxxxxxx of tree Mxxxxley river Merrimac then nw to land of Smace (Small?),White, Oxxxxx Maxxx of Country Rd or highway which leads from Swetts ferry to Kingstown, then w and stopping? within 2 rods of sd way until it comes to a first? Xxx upon then further w xx keeping within one rod of xx Way a way which leads up two fxxx (fence?) at Peaslees till it connects to a open? Xxx C of Marixxx Gorge? 12 Rod way which trees is also a bound of sd way, then se xx sd way till it comes to a river Merrimac of thence by? sd river to start.
Sam Chase probate with 18 acres by Swetts Ferry in 1743
110/170 John Chase sells to brother Samuel all land inherited from
father Samuel, in Newbury or Haverhill. 1761.
Ben sells his to sam (107/58) 1759
Lots 12 and 13
Along the way, 9 acres was sold off from the original 18.5 acres.
1761 November 130/265 John Chase sell 4.75 acres to Stephen Noyes. Bounded by Merrimac River 16.5 Poles, 72 poles along 12 Rod way (called highway), Daniel Pillsbury 62 poles, North by Samuel Chase 19 Poles. This land sold to John Moody of West Newbury (321/70) May 27, 1840 Both halves of 1/2 undivided land from Stephen Noyes, Mary Chase, Betsy Noyes and Ruth Noyes along with other land in West Newbury.
1860, Jan 26: Ebenezer S. Moody (son of John Moody) to Joseph Newell (601/67). Three acres bounded easterly by Merrimac River, Northerly by land now or late Esterbrook and Hall, Westerly by land now or late Esterbrook, southerly by land now or late Kimball.
1761, Nov: 126/261 another 4.75 acres to Daniel Pillsbury adjoining 321/70. Bounded on south by Merrimack River 10 Poles, e. on land of John Swett 56.5 poles, n by Samuel Chase 16 Poles, w. by Samuel Chase 62 poles. (This later sold to Zeb 141/101 in 1782)
1769 Samuel Chase 1769 probate (5172) leaves his wife Sarah Stewart his house and land in Newbury, and 9.5 acres of woodland in Haverhill to the 4 sons Robert, Benjamin, Samuel (dies in 1782) and unborn (this will be Amos b 1770). They (all but Samuel who died in 1782, and including some of daughters) sell 3 acres of this to their mother (see 15-19 E Main on RV site) in 1796.
1796, Feb 12: Robert Chase, Benjamin Chase, Amos (wife Judith Little), Mary and Ebenezer Hopkinson, Anna and Will Bayley, Hannah and Samuel Bayley, Sarah and Joshua Bayley sell 3 acres to Sarah (Stewert) Chase, their mother. bounded by Highway leading to Swett’s Ferry, 12 Rod way, Moses Moody and land previously owned by John Swett. 3 acres. 202/221. (These are descendants of (Samuel/Sarah Stewert, Samuel/Hannah Emery, Moses Chase/Ann Follansbee, Aquilla/Ann Wheeler)
Robert and Ben sell 3 acres to Jacob March. 144/12 (1781) March sells to Eliphalet hills. 156/22 in 1792.
1799: Sarah Chase to Johnathan Tewksbury (219/297) Sarah is listed as a spinster and then it says “now Sarah Noyes” This is the Sarah that becomes a Noyes (probably married Thomas Noyes from Newbury in 1798) Bounded by Road leading from Swett’s Ferry to Haverhill town, 12 Road Way, Moses Moody and land of late owned by John Swett.
1818, Nov 24: Jonathan and Elizabeth Tewksbury to Elias Weld, physician. (219/297). Bounded by Swan (6R), Moody (43R), road to Haverhill town (54R), and twelve rod way. This is between 12 Rod Way and Daniel Swans.
Plat 430, Block 7, Lots 1, 2 and 3
1825, June 21: Elias and Abigail Weld to Edward S. Moody (brother of Cutting). Beginning at the road leading to RV (16R), along 12 rod way (12R) then easterly to land of David Elliott (14R), then northerly (14R) to the bounds first mentioned. (241/86) 1.5 Acres.
1826, Feb 11: Edward S. Moody to Joseph de Poyen (241/87). Running westerly along road leading to RV (16R), southerly along 12 rod way (12R) then easterly to land of David Elliott (14R), then northerly (4R) to the bounds first mentioned. (241/86) 1.5 Acres.
1833, Apr 17: John Johnson Jr. and Ruth Johnson to Joseph Estabrook (270/285). 139 Rods of land beginning at road and land of Joseph Estabrook running westerly on road 8R17L, southerly by Johnson 17R12L to corner of Estabrook land, then easterly on Estabrook land 7R, then north easterly 3R then northwesterly on Estabrook land 12.5R to bound first mentioned.
1844, Mar 16: Joseph and Sally Poyen to Ebenezer Fullington (381/76). Beginning at the westerly corner of twelve rod way and highway leading from RV to Haverhill town and other land of Fullington. 1.5 acre. Land that Poyen got from Edward S. Moody.
1845, Apr 17: Stephen and Phebe Page to Mary H. Smith (446/16). Southerly corner of Samuel W. Chase and running westerly 1R6L North by Stephen Page 4R2L to center of well then northerly 5R to land of Chase then southeasterly 9R4L by Chase to bound first mentioned. Meaning to convey the 1/2 in common of well. each party bearing equal fortification of well.
1845, Apr 19: Ebenezer Fullington to Stephen N. Page (401/44). Beginning at road and running south along Page land (13R) then easterly by Page land (1R18L) to land of Mary H. Smith, then southeasterly 11R to land of Estabrook, then westerly 4R10L, then northerly by Fullington (20R14L) to road then northeasterly along road (15L).
1845, Apr 15: Ebenezer Fullington to Mary H. Smith (446/14) Beginning at easterly corner of Samuel W. Chase land, adjoining land of John Johnson and running southeasterly by John Johnson 11R10L to land of Joseph Estabrook, westerly by esterbrook 5R10L to land of Stephen N. Page, running northwesterly by Page land 11R then easterly by Page and Samuel W. Chase 4R17L to bound first mentioned.
1845, Apr 15: Samuel W. Chase and Lydia Chase to Mary H. Smith (446/15). Land with dwelling house on south side of Main Street starting at road and running southeasterly by Johnson 11R, westerly by Fullington 3R3.5L, then northerly 12R4L by Page, easterly by road to bound first mentioned (4R). (mortgage 353/222, discharge 446/14)
1847, Mar 15: Ebenezer Fullington and Mary Jane to Stephen N. Page (401/43) Beginning at road and running south by Fullington land to land of Estabrook, then east by Estabrook to land of Stephen N. Page, then North by page, then west by road to bound first mentioned (1 acre).
1847, May 6: Eustice and Maryette Chase to Mary H. Smith (446/17) Beginning at northeasterly corner of land of Smith then south by Smith 23R2L to Joseph Estabrook land, east by Estabrook 2R10L, North by E. Chase 21R to road, then west by road 5R17.5L to bound first mentioned containing 1/2 acre.
1850, July 11: Mary H. and William Smith to Jonathan Emerson (446/17). Beginning northeasterly corner and running southerly by S. Foot 21R then westerly by land of Estabrook 7R20L, northerly through center of well to highway 23R, then easterly by highway 9R16.5L. House, barn, shed and shoemaker’s shop. (mortgage 446/18)
1851, May 16: Smith to Emerson (446/17)??? (recorded?)
1852, Apr 15: Moses P. and Adeline Brookings to John Devine (472/78). Three acres starting at road and south by Abram Colby to land of Joseph Estabrook, then west by Estabrook to 12-rod way, then north to road and east to first bound.
1853, Oct 29 (472/80) mortgage and discharge on 472/78.
1853: John Devine and Elimira E. to Moses E. Jaques a certain piece of tillage land with cottage dwelling house bounds starting at northeast corner and running south by Abram Colby to land of Joseph Estabrook, then westerly by Estabrook to twelve-rod way, then northerly on way to road, then easterly on road containing 3 acres mores or less (472/80). (Plat 430, block 7, lots 1, 2, and 3)
1860, April 13: Amos F. Morse and Eliza J. Morse to Dean Morse for $50.00 (615/139) 1/2 acre (same land as above: 582/223)
1861: Moses E. Jaques and Abby F to John B. Nichols. 626/71 Three acres bounded as such: beginning on the northeast corner on road and running southeasterly on land of Abram Colby to the land of the heirs of Joseph Estabrook, then westerly by heirs to 12-Rod way, northwesterly along 12 rod way to road and easterly along road to the bound first mentioned (Plat 430, block 7, lots 1, 2, and 3)
1871, Apr 29: Dean Morse administrator of Amos Morse’s will by order of the court of prob to Amos Frank Morse for $450 as highest bidder. Two pieces of land. 1. along 12 rod way and including buildings, the other 3/8 acre (845/036)
1869, Aug 14: John L. Estabrook to Samuel L. Colby and Stephen Noyes (785/63). Beginning at 12-Rod way and running east along land of Moses E. Jaques, Betsy Colby, and William H. Ramsey. Running southerly by land of Frederick Kimball to corner of land Daniel H. Hall and Joseph Newell, then running westerly by Newell to 12-Rod Way then running northwesterly along 12-rod way. Containing about 2.5 acres. (Listed as Amos F. Morse in 1881 map lot 14 on 1881 map)
1877, Apr 17: Samuel L. Colby, Mary E. Colby, Stephen Noyes and Sarah H. Noyes to Amos Francis Morse (996/177) Beginning at 12 Rod way and running east along land of Moses E. Jaques, Betsy Colby, and William H. Ramsey. Running southerly by land of Frederick Kimball to corner of land Daniel H. Hall and Joseph Newell, then running westerly by Newell to 12 Rod Way and then northwesterly along 12-rod way. (Listed as Amos F. Morse in 1881 map lot 14 on 1881 map)
March 9, 1899: Mary L. Getchell and Charles J. Getchell to Eliza J. Chase (1573/437) bounded by Mrs. Riley and Frank Morse (referred more to 279/65 (Simeon Chase Land) and 1062/138) (Eliza Hall to Maria J. T. Chase) Colby Lane
1881, Oct 7: Eliza L. Hall to Amos Francis Morse (1072/141). Land bounded by River, Newell, Colby, Chase (Being same which received from father Ben Chase)
1869: William H. and R.J. Ramsey to William H. Colby (785/61). bounded east by Maynard, south by John L. Esterbrook, east by Abraham Colby and north by road. (mortgage).
1860, Jan 5: Patrick and Alice Riley to Joseph Estabrook and John R. Esterbrooks (600/235) Starting on highway and road running from Merrimac Bridge to Haverhill running southwesterly on Freeman F. Maynard 8R, then northeasterly on Maynard land 5R to Moses G. Jaques, westerly by Jaques 7R to highway, then on westerly on highway to bound first mentioned.
1867, Aug 14th: Ann M. John L., and Mary E. mortgage to Brickett (729/118) Five pieces of land. 1) Beginning at corner at John R. Estabrook and thence running southerly by the late Joseph Estabrook to the land of Eban Colby, then westerly by Eban Colby to a private way leading from highway to Simeon Chase, thence northerly by land of John R. Estabrook thence by Estabrook land to the beginning. lot behind 37 East Main on Colby’s lane, 2) land with building beginning at the southerly corner of Timothy Kinneson thence westerly in line of Moses G. Jaques, and Patrick Riley about 24.5 R to the road leading to Merrimac bridge, then westerly by road 16R 18L to the land previously of Hiram Lord, then southerly by land of Lord 21R 3L to the land formerly of Joseph Estabrook then easterly in a line of said Estabrook and Daniel H. Hall about 28R to a s&s thence northerly to the first name bound, 3) 3 1/3 acre northerly by land of Hannah Ramsey, easterly by heirs of John Moody, southerly by 12 Rod Way, westerly by Moses Jaques, Abram Colby and Mills, 4) 1/4 of an acre with a double dwelling house on road leading from bridge to Amesbury, 5) 1/4 acre with buildings in Haverhill (no further description).
Lot 5
1857, March 4: Amos Morse and Lucretia Morse to Dean Morse and A. Francis Morse 1/2 acre on road leading from Rocks Bridge to Johnson’s Mill. Bounded by road, and Morse land. (Looks like Plat 430, Block 8 Lot 5) (582/223)
1939: Taken for taxes from Charles B. Ramsey (3194/461)
1956, Sep 10: Taking of Taxes from Charles B. Ramsey, Lot 5, Map 430, Block 7 (4314/409) 10,000 sq. ft.
Lot 6
1941: Taken for Taxes from Ida Mae Ramsey Lot 6, May 430, block 7 (3300/313)
1955, Sep 6: Taken for Taxes from Ida Mae Ramsey Lot 6, May 430, block 7 (4209/449)