James White sold the land of 21-23-29 E Main St. to Thomas Elliot in 1783 (recorded 1807) 100 rods: Wingate and Elliot on w corner, w 3R, n 2.5 R on Elliot, w on highway 19.5R, s 7.5 R to former Samuel Chase land, e 20R on White to start. (179/261).
Thomas Elliott sold this land (along with 21 East Main Street) to Simeon Copp. I believe the dwelling house that was part of this property was on 21 East Main Street.
in 1801, Simeon and his wife sold this part of the property to Willibe Wells who subsequently sold it to Zebulon Ingersoll in 1803. In quick succession, it was sold to Henry Quimby (1738 – 1806) who was a Joiner in 1805. Unfortunately, Henry died in 1806. Henry and Susanna Currier married in 1761 in Amesbury. Susannah Quimby’s probate 23163 dated 1825 values the house and barn and 30 rods of land for $550.00. The next time a house is mentioned is in the deed from Henry’s heirs in 1826. Presumably Henry’s widow lived here as several deeds from surrounding property mention land of Widow Quimby. John Ingersoll’s diary talks about helping paint the house for the Quimby’s. From Quimby’s heirs it went to James and Lydia Davis who owned it for only a year.
Nathan Chase, who acquired the house in 1827 then split it into two 1/2 houses. Nathan and Hannah Chase, Ephraim and Lydia (Chase) Colby (daughter of Josiah Chase and Ruth Bradley), John and Sophia (Jaques) Ladd, and Samuel Eaton lived here (or at least owned it) throughout this time from 1827 to 1839 when Moses G. Jaques ended up with both 1/2s. Nathan Chase and Lydia Chase Colby are both children of Josiah Chase and Ruth Bradley who lived on Corliss Hill Road.
The house stayed in the Jaques family until 1891 when Moses’ widow Eliza sold to Thomas Quested.
The Ramsey family owned this and 21 East Main through the early 1900’s. The two properties remained in separate deeds but owned by the same family through the rest of the 20’s century. These lots are listed as Lot 5 (21 East Main) and Lot 6 (23 East Main) on the 1950’s Plat 430, Block 7.
1789, Oct 27: James White Esq to Thomas Elliot (179/261). Starting at land of Joshua Wingate and running westerly 3R, then northerly 2.5 R on land of E. Elliott, then running westerly on highway 19.5R, then southerly 7.5R on land formerly owned by Samuel Chase, then easterly 20R on White’s land to bound first mentioned. This suggests a little jog of 2.5R by 3R bordering Colby Lane owned by E. Elliot.
1798, Apr 18: Thomas Elliott and Sarah Elliott to Simeon Copp (165/207) bounded by Ingalls on east (6R), Moses Moody on south (8R), west by Jonathan Tuscbury (Tewksbury?) (7.5R) with dwelling house.
This looks like it splits above land in half, this half and the other half 21 East Main
1801: Simeon Copps and Mary Copps sold to Willibe Wells (169/105). Bounded on West by Daniel Swan (7R), South by Moses Moody (4R), East by Henry Ingalls (6R), 4R by highway on north. | |
1803: Willobe Wells and Mary Wells sells to Zebulaon Ingersoll (171/278) Bounded on west by Swan (7R), south Moses Moody (4.5R), East by Henry Ingall (6R), 4.5 R on highway. | |
1805: Ingersoll sold to Henry Quimby (joiner) (175/261) Daniel Swan on west (7R), North by road (4.5R), East by Ingalls (Hatter’s Shop) (6R), south by Moses Moody (4R). No building mentioned | |
1826: Heirs of Henry Quimby (who died in 1806) sold to James Davis (Combmaker) with outbuilding and residence (241/86). West by David Swan (7R), north by road (4.5R), east by Kenison (6R), south by David Elliott (4.5R)
Probate of Henry Quimby (wife Susannah) # 23158 dated 1806. Heirs: Joseph, Henry, Moses, Ebenezer, Phillip, Rachel, Anna, Mary. Probate 13163 of Susanna Quimby dated 1825 lists House and Barn with 30 rods of land valued at $550.00 |
1827, June 15: James Davis and Lydia M. Davis to Nathan Chase (247/249) Lot and Buildings bordered west by Swan 7R, east by Dr. Kinison 6R, south by David Elliot and Road 4.5R | |
1831, Nov 17: Nathan Chase and Hannah Chase to John Ladd (261/294) 1/2 house bounded by Road on north (2.25R) southerly (6.5R) to land of David Elliot (2.25R), land formerly of Benjamin chase (6.5R) to road with access to cellar by Lydia Colby | 1827: Nathan Chase sells east 1/2 of house to Lydia Colby (321/248). Along road 2.25R on north, on east 3.5R, South on David Elliot Land (2.25 R) and east by Kineson 3.5R. This deed splits 247/249 in half. |
1831, Nov 17: John and Sally (Sophia) Ladd to Nathan Chase (262/197) 1/2 house and bounded by highway, Elliott, Chase. and having access into cellar of Lydia Colby ( Maybe Mortgage??) | 1828: Nathan Chase sold 1/2 house to Ephraim Colby who subsequently sold to Steven Eaton
1833, May 6: Nathan Chase sells 1/2 house to Moses Jaques (269/212) this is land bounded by North on road (40 feet) east by Ephriam Colby (6R), David Elliott (40 feet), and Benjamin Chase on west (west side of house?)
Moses G. Jaques marries Eliza Harriman July 12, 1828 in Haverhill |
1839, Sept 19: Samuel Eaton East 1/2 to Moses Jaques (321/248) Bounded by road 2R, through house 3.5R and land of Jaques to land of David Elliott, east by Dr. Kinison. |
868-1095 Moses G. JAQUES, 51, shoemaker, $700 Eliza (Harriman)", 41 Moses E. ", 21, shoemaker (born 1829) Edwin ", 16, shoemaker (born 1834) John ", 8 (born 1842) George ", 4 (born 1846) Edwin HARRIMAN, 11 (born 1839) Eliza and Moses marry in 1828 as his second wife. |
1856: Moses G Jaques and Eliza Ann Jaques to Samuel D Maynard. (525/108). Bounded by road and Kinneson, southerly by Moses P Bookings and westerly Edward S Seelage (or Sealy). Same piece of land I bought from Nathan chase and Samuel Eaton of Plaistow (Looks like Mortgage) |
1856: listed as M. G. Jaques on map
1865 Census:
Moses E. Jaques (35) Cordwainer
John Foot (63) Farmer
1870 Census (could be 20 east main)
Edwin (36) Works in shoe factory
Georgina (36) Keeps House
Eliza (12) attends School
Albert (4) at home
1870 Census (could be 23 East main)
Nathan Jaques (71) works in shoe factory
Eliza Jaques (61) keeps house
George Jaques (23) works in shoe factory
1886: Moses Jaques dies (age about 87) and leaves house to Eliza Jaques (his widow) 1180/114. Edwin and Georgiana F. wife of Edwin, Moses and Abbie F. wife of Moses, George and Annie M. wife of George, Rufus A. Chase and Mary wife of Rufus Chase, Edwin a Chase and Carrie wife of Edwin A. Chase, Sam Foot Chase and Olive wife of Sam foot Chase, Abraham W Chase. Nellie E. Fowler and Edwin Fowler.
1886, Nov 1: Eliza Jaques takes a mortgage out with George E. Elliott (1184/119) discharge of mortgage in 1900 (1610/22)
1891, Sept 26: Eliza A. Jaques widow of Moses Jaques to Thomas E. Quested (son of George H. Quested??) for $137.50 (1323/126) bounded by Albert Kenison on east, Eliza Kimball on south, and Daniel Donegan (Donnegan) on west, and road on north.
1892 map lists E. Jaques as owner
From Rebecca Davis’ Gleaning’s: (page 112, Sheaf 2)
The house was bought by the late Mr. Moses Jaques, and removed to Rocks Village, and is still used by his family as a wood-shed. (get a photo of this (Wess’)
1900 Census
Thomas Quested (49) shoemaker
Mary S. (47) married 26 years
1926, May 1: Germain as power conferred by Thomas E. Quested to Jennie Clark (2677/479)
1926, May 3: Jennie Clark to Ida M Ramsey (2677/479) bounded on east by Swett, South by Frederick Kimball, west by Donegan (Donnegan) heirs
1939, Aug 1: To City of Haverhill for Taxes (3194/462) 10,700 sq ft. Lot 6, Block 7 plat 430.
1940, Nov 8: Redemption of taxes and title back to Ramsey (3237/194)
1940 Census: Charles B. Ramsey – 45, Ida M. – 44, Jean – 14
1941, Aug 26: “Southside of 33 E Main Street” R.V. to Ida M Ramsey for non payment of taxes. Lot 6, Block 7, Plat 430 (3300/313) (redemption 3313/218 – 1942, Sep 21)
1955 Taken for taxes from Ida Mae Ramsey (4209/449). redemption in 1958 (4488/139)
Ida M. Ramsey dies Sept 4, 1963
1964: Charles and Ida Ramsey probate records #280713/280714 of probate court shows that dtr. Edith Kane, sole heir, inherited lot 5 and 6 of assessors map and she received permission from petition of 280713 to sell lot 5 for $500.00
1967, Feb 28: Edith J. Kane admx of the estate of Ida M. Ramsey to Robert F. Owens and Patricia Owens (5428/632) bounded by Swett, Frederick Kimball, heirs of Daniel Donegan (Donnegan).
1968, Mar 15: Robert F. Owens and Patricia Owens to Joseph A. Brown and Arlene D. Brown (5516/218)
1974 Apr 22: Joseph A. Brown and Arlene D. Brown to Richard B. Marchisio and Eileen M. Marchisio for $37,000 (6059/681)
1976, Sep 1: Eileen M Marchisio to Richard B. Marchisio for $1.00 (6281/37)
1977, Jan 17: Richard B. Marchisio to Dana M. DiFiore and Catherine J. DiFiore for $44,000 (6317/320)
1979, May 30: Dana M. DiFiore to George R. Kay and S. Lynne Kay for $54,000 (6595/452)
1980, Jan 11: S. Lynne Kay to George R. Kay Jr. for $100.00(6680/361)
1981, April 14: George R. Kay Jr. to James J. Hourihan, III and Amy C. Hourihan for $67,000 (6809/233)
1993, Aug 31: James J. Hourihan, III and Amy C. Hourihan to Frank J. Jerab, Jr. and Rose Marie Jerab (12091/119)
1999: Shed upgraded: This is the shed that was reported to have been brought back from up the road by (peter, prince ???) or is Prince’s shed the attachment on the right?
2003, Sept 18: Frank J. Jerab Jr. to Wesson G Taber (21846/220) 22,000 Square Feet – Southerly by land of Edmond H Swett (1922-36) to land of Frederick Kimball. Westerly by land of Kimball to heirs of Donegan (Donnegan), northerly by land of Donegan (Donnegan) to Main Street.