The Chase family constructed this center hall house in 1799. Federal Trim decorates fireplaces and a unique brick summer kitchen can be seen in the basement.(34)
Daniel, of Newbury, marries Abigail Currier, int. Feb. 16, 1793.
1793: Daniel Chase purchases goods from Zebulon Ingersoll. He also seemed to hire a boat “trip to port” in December of 1793. Also bought a pair of shoes for Abigail and paid off part of his account with 1 pair of men’s shoes (Zebulon Account book pg 51) In December 1795, he hired a “chaise to Newburyport” from Zebulon Ingersoll.
Daniel was the son of David Chase Jr. (David, John, Aquilla) and Sarah Johnson. He was born 10 Apr 1774 in Newbury, and died 14 May 1841 in Newbury. Abigail Currier was born 9 Jul 1769 in Haverhill and the daughter of Asa Currier and Rebekah Plummer.
Daniel is the brother of Simeon, Benjamin, Nicholas, Hannah, David, and Sarah.
“As Mr. Daniel Chase and wife of Rocks Village, who had just moved into their new house, …, were at breakfast one morning, the kitchen not being lathed overhead, or chamber floor completed, on looking up they saw Harry’s (Spoollet) feet swinging through, and with a crash he came suddenly upon the table, being, we fancy, not quite so welcome an appendage as a good roast pig or turkey.” (31, page 102/103)
Daniel and Abigail sold the land and house to Benjamin Chase (Daniel’s Nephew who married Betsey Ladd) in 1814 and appear to have moved back to Newbury as that is where Daniel died. Can not find any record of children.
Land was once owned by William Cutler and that at that time a distillery and a tannery were on part of the land.
1850 Map lists E. Chase 1850 census 874-1101 Eustis CHASE, 27, shoemaker, $1200 Mary (Nichols), 26 Ann E. ", 4 (Mar. 2, 1846) Lilia Floretta. ", 2 (Apr. 11, 1848 or Oct. 22, 1848(both in vital records) James BRADLEY, 23, shoemaker, ENG
1855 Census
Eustis Chase (33) Shoemaker
Maryette Chase (32)
Ann E. Chase (9)
Lelia F. Chase (6)
1865 Census:
William Sawyer (38) Grocer
William Sawyer, a livery stable keeper owned the house and kept horses for hire in the barn. He also kept horses in the tavern stable across the street. (21)
1870 Census
William Sawyer (43) stable keeper
Annette (38) keeps house
Abby (14) attends school
William (6) attends School
May J. Elliott (48) no employment
This could be 34 East Main (1/2 house?)
Thomas J. Orne (38) Horse Dealer
Almira (27) keeps house
1888-1910: William Sawyer lived here. He kept a grocery in the building owned by J.B. Nichols, 2nd. 42 East Main. Later he bought Col. John Johnson’s Tavern and had his store in the upper end.
1872 map: W. Sawyer
1875-1880: Thomas Jefferson Orne, a livery stable keeper, owned the house but his stable was in the city near the corner of Emerson Street and Washington Square.
In 1850, Thomas was 18 living in his brother’s house: John L. Orne.
1887: owned by T. J. Orne in Rebeccas’s Gleaning’s
1892 map lists T. J. Orne as owner
1940 Census: William Mutch – 74
Eva McKinnon – 41 (daughter)
Margaret – 22 (granddaughter)
Ralph – 21 (grandson)
Ruth – 27 (granddaughter)
Florence – 20 (granddaughter)
1970: John O’Brien
1778 – J Swett dies and wills his house, barn, 16A land, ferry to grandson James White who then operates the ferry | |
1773, May 4: John Swett to Ephraim Elliot (179/261). Seems to be south of highway and bounded by land of John Swett. Bounded on north by landing or highway 9R, West by Swett 3R, South by Swett 8R, east 2R. | |
1791, March 11: Ephraim Elliott and Mary (Wingate) Elliott to William Cutler (153/66). Bound by public landing on east, north by highway 77.5′, west by Joshua Wingate 46, south by Wingate 38′. | |
1791, March 12: William Cutler (Merchant) sold “Distillery House and land under” to Ephraim Elliott for 350 pounds. 158/196) Mortgage. | |
1798, July 16: William Cutler to James Walker (179/83), Bounded on north by Swet’s landing 77′, east by Zeb Ingersoll 33′, South by Abbot (late) 80′, running north 33′ by Moses Moody, West 10′ by Moses Moody then north by E. Elliott 46′ | |
1799: Walker to Moses Moody (166/150) bounded by Ephraim Elliott, Moses Moody, Wm Abbott (deceased) and Zebulon | |
1806, July 7: Moses Moody, Elizabeth Moody to Daniel Chase Jr. (186/239 recorded Sept 2, 1809) (Land with a distillery on it bound by Zebulon Ingersoll, Enoch Foot and Frederic Parker) | |
1814, Dec 19: Daniel Chase Jr. and Abigail (Currier) sell to Jonathan Tewksbury and Daniel Silloway (205/72) | |
1815, May 24: Jonathan Tewksbury, Daniel Silloway, Elizabeth (Merrill) Tewksbury and Nancy (Ann Lunt) Silloway of Newbury to Benjamin Chase. (206/285) 1/2 house (previously of Daniel Chase) Beginning on landing and running southerly 46′ by land of Frederick Parker, then easterly 10′ by Parker, then southerly by Parker 33′, Easterly by Enoch Foot 44′, then Northerly through middle of house on land of Ephraim B. Horne 56′, then westerly on landing 58′ to bound first mentioned.
1815, July 25: Benjamin and Betsy Chase to Richard Jaques (207/81) Land 1/2 house owned with Ephraim Horne. Running southerly through middle of house 56′, then westerly on Enoch Foot land 56′ , Northerly by land of Ben Chase 51′ at two feet distance of westerly corner of 1/2 house then north easterly within 2′ of westerly end of 1/2 house about 12′ to landing, then easterly by landing 21′ to bound first mentioned. Betsy Chase relinquishes rights of Dower for 1 dollar in the above described premises. |
1815, May 24: Jonathan Tewksbury, Daniel Silloway, Elizabeth Tewksbury, and Nancy Silloway to Ephraim B. Horne (207/81). Land and 1/2 house by Daniel Chase Jr. Running through front door on land of Ben Chase 56′, easterly on land of Enoch Foot 36′, Northerly on land of Zebulon Ingersoll 33′, and westerly about 19′ to bound first mentioned. |
1816, Feb 19: Ephraim B. Horne to Jonathan Tewksbury and Daniel Silloway (209/57). Mortgage on (207/81) | |
1817, March 12: Richard Jaques sells to Benjamin Chase (No2/256). This was a disposition against Richard Jaques, Ephraim Horne, and John Ladd by Benjamin Chase. | 1817, Oct 11th: 1815, May 24: Jonathan Tewksbury, Daniel Silloway, Elizabeth Tewksbury and Nancy Silloway to Benjamin Chase. (214/207) Land and 1/2 house running through front door southerly on land of Richard Jaques 56′, easterly on Enoch Foot 36′, Northerly by land of Enoch Foot (Store) 33′, Westerly on landing 19′ to bound first mentioned. |
1818, Nov 3: Richard and Mary Jaques to Benjamin Chase (219/63). Half a dwelling house and land beginning at the front door of B. Chase southerly to E. Foot. Westerly by E. Foot up to “landing”, easterly on Landing to to center of house. | |
Benjamin Chase owns whole house | |
Eustis gets ½ in will | Benjamin Chase dies and wills house to wife (1/3) and Mary Jane and Ebenezer |
1842, April 5: Eliza and Daniel Hall to Ebenezer Fullington (331/125). Undivided 1/3 part of easterly 1/2 of dwelling house and shed with land under and adjoining the same situated in Rocks Village and lying on East Main Street, bounded by Enoch Foot, Ebenezer Fullington and others. Being the late residence of Widow Betsy Chase. Agreeable to the will of her late husband Benjamin Chase. $100.00 | |
1845, Feb 25: Deed (351/205) is 2 deeds: 1) John S. Morse to Ebenezer Fullington (son in law of Benjamin, husband of Mary Jane Chase) and 2) the same properties from Fullington to Eustis Chase. A lot of land with house and barn and woodshed excepting that part which the said Chase now owns (This was the part of the house that Mary Jane and Eliza got in Benjamin’s will.)bounded east and south by Enoch Foot, Esq, westerly by heirs of Frederick Parker, North by highway (previously owned by Benjamin Chase). Also includes a store on the north side of E. Main bounded by Parker on w Joseph Estabrook on n, John Johnson on e, also formerly owned by Benjamin Chase. 42 east main? $1,350.00
1846: 372/196 mortgage with Nicholas White. Reassigned to Adeline Brookings in 1855 (515/291) Discharged in 1860 608/161) |
1860, June 13: Eliza Nichols to Eustis Chase (608/223) bounded by Eben Colby on east and south, west by Parker and north by highway. | |
1860, June 18: Eustis Chase and Maryette (Nichols) Chase to Edward Humphrey (608/161) On south side of highway leading from Rocks Village to Bridge including a dwelling house, barn and woodshed. Bounded on east and south by Eben Colby and west by land of Frederick Parker. 1860, June 18: Edward Humphrey and Eliza J. to Adeline Brookings (608/163) Mortgage: discharged 646/7 |
1862, Nov 11: Edward Humphrey to William Sawyer (644/223) 25 square rods bounded southerly side of highway bounded by easterly John W. Ladd, southerly by Eben Colby, and westerly by heirs of Frederick Parker. $650.00 Being same land conveyed to me by Eustis Chase in 1860. William Sawyer to assume mortgage from Adeline Brookings | |
1868, May 14th: John L. and Mary E. Estabrook sells land to William Sawyer (828/195). Running 30′ on road, westerly by Estabrook 90′, southerly 20′ by Estabrook, 90′ on east on Sawyer land. | |
1871, July 6: William Sawyer and Annette Sawyer to Thomas J. Orne and Margaret Almira Orne (book 828/195) including piece of land from Estabrook above (bounded by northerly by highway, westerly by John W. Ladd (store), southerly by Eben Colby and Westerly by Frederic Parker) Thomas J. Orne is son of John L. Orne and Mary S. (Moody) Orne. |
1894, Mar 6: Thomas J. Orne and Margaret Elmira Orne to William N Taylor and Elizabeth A. Taylor (1406/352) Northerly by Highway 130′, Easterly by John W. Ladd 67′ , Southerly by Eben Colby 120′ and Westerly by John L. Esterbrook 90′. | |
1904, Nov 10: Newburyport Five Cents Savings Bank to Charles G. Woodbridge (1762/62). Northerly by Highway 130′, Easterly by John W. Ladd 67′ , Southerly by Eben Colby 120′ and Westerly by John L. Esterbrook 90′. | |
1906, Oct 26: Charles G. Woodbridge to Sarah E. Russell (1847/389) Northerly by Highway 130′, Easterly by John W. Ladd 67′ , Southerly by Eben Colby 120′ and Westerly by John L. Esterbrook 90′. | |
1912: May 4: Sarah E. Russell to Lizzie M. Chase (2144/511) | |
1920, July 16: Lizzie M. Chase wife of Fred H. G. Chase to Charles V. and Maurine Eichman (2463/19) Northerly by Highway 130′, Easterly by John W. Ladd 67′ , Southerly by Eben Colby 120′ and Westerly by John L. Esterbrook 90′.
1922, Aug 21: Charles V. and Maureen EIchman to Charles G. Clapp Company (2526/129)Northerly by Highway 130′, Easterly by John W. Ladd 67′ , Southerly by Eben Colby 120′ and Westerly by John L. Esterbrook 90′. for 1922 taxes and mortgage |
1922, Aug 23: Chas. G. Clapp to Fred Hammel | |
1922, Nov 9: Chas. G. Clapp Co. to Fred Hammel (2536/412) Mortgage, discharge 1924, Sep 19 (2611/132) | |
1924, July 2: Fred Hammel to Helen J. Lutted (2613/238) | |
1931, Aug 5: Helen J. Lutted to Annie E. and William Mutch (2899/588) | |
1935, Mar 19: Anne E. Mutch to Stella M. Germain (3057/77) | |
1935, Mar 19: Stella M Germain to William N. Mutch (3057/77) | |
1944, June 16: William Mutch to Wilfred Mutch (3374/50) | |
1948, Sept 10: Wilfred Mutch to Stanley MacKinnon and Eva MacKinnon (3644/467) | |
1971, Nov1: Eva MacKinnon (widow of Stanley MacKinnon) to John W. O’Brien and Veronica M. O’Brien (5826/579). Northerly by Highway 130′, Easterly by John W. Ladd 67′ , Southerly by Eben Colby 120′ and Westerly by John L. Esterbrook 90′. | |
1973, May 10: John W. O’Brien and Veronica O’Brien to Gordon W. and Mabel M Ware Trustees of Keepsake Realty Trust (5973/373) along with 37 E. Main Street. (Lot B) | |
1973, May 10: Gordon W. Wares and Mabel M. Wares to John W. and Judith G. Belyea (5979/531) Small pie slice of land for $100.00 that was attached to 47 E. Main Street | |
1979, Apr 4: Wares to Charles W. Coffin (6578/701) Lot B $52,000 | |
1984, Jan 27: Charles W. Coffin to John Fradley Monroe and Wendy Fradley Monroe (7324/387) Lot B $86,000 | |
1987, Mar 6: John Fradley Monroe and Wendy Fradley Monroe (8838/307 – mortgage) | |
1991, Mar 29: Monroe to Irene W. Burton and Susan E. Sellers (10743/253) lot B $150,000 | |
1994, Nov 5: Burton and Sellers to Burton and Glennon (12816/571) lot B: 11,147 sq ft. |
The Chase Chronicle