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Rocks Village Community Fall Yard Sale Fundraiser

Saturday, September 15, 8:00 -2:00pm

Sunday, September 16, 8:00 – 2:00pm

Hand Tub House,  1 River Road @ East Main Street, Rocks Village, Haverhill

Furniture, large assortment of decorative pieces for your home including Fall and Christmas themed items, books, costume jewelry and more.  Event benefits the ongoing preservation of the Hand Tub House, an 1829 fire station and meeting hall that is being restored through the volunteer efforts of the Rocks Village Memorial Association.   See or call 978-374-2119 for more information.

Semi Annual Rocks Village Yard Sale


Saturday June 2, 8:00 – 2:00 pm &

Sunday June 3, 9:00 – 2:00 pm

  • Vintage glassware, Furniture, decorative items, tools, kitchenware, books and much more.
  • Please call 978-374-2119 for additional information.

Benefits the preservation of the historic Hand Tub House.

1 River Road, at the corner of East Main Street

Next to the Rocks Bridge


Walking Tour in the Village – May 19th

A Walk Through Time in Rocks Village

Discover the river front neighborhood of Rocks Village, once a bustling com- munity of stores, taverns, and wharves. Hear tales of merchants, shipbuilders, a purported witch, and more.

Explore local landmarks such as the Rocks Village Bridge and 1840 Hand Tub House (fire station) and discover the stories of those who lived, loved, and worked here.

Saturday, May 19, 2018
Tour Times: 10:00 – 11:00 am, 12:30 – 1:30 pm Meet at: The Hand Tub House

1 River Road, at the corner of East Main Street at the foot of the Rocks Village Bridge. Park at 366 Amesbury Line Road.

Presented in partnership with Rocks Village Memorial Associa- tion (RVMA) and Historic New England.

Registration is recommended. Please call 617-994-5970 or register Online at Historic New England. Cost: $10.00 (supports HNE and RVMA)