Built in 1872 (after 1872 map before deed 868/39 Dec 31st)

14 Colby’s Lane is a combination of Lots 8, 9 and 11.
1979, April 16: Tuck to Andrew MacDowell and Sheila J. MacDowell (6582/352) for $45,000 Lot 11 and Lot 8 (which includes lot 9 at this point)
1987, May 7: Andrew MacDowell and Sheila J. MacDowell to Richard J. Siegel and Jennifer Bakewell Siegel (7765/514 -lot 11)
1985, May 22: Andrew MacDoweel and Sheila J. Macdowell to Richard J. Siegel and Jennifer Bakewell MacDowell (7765/507 – Main House) starting at the corner of Kenison and running 145 ft to land of Eliza Hall along private way, then westerly 44 feet, northerly 66.5 ft, westerly 14 ft to land of Frederick Kimball, northerly 86 ft to Kenison, easterly 61 ft to bound first mentioned.
1993, Feb 5: Herbert W. Colby and Lori H. Colby (owners of 37 East Main) and Richard and Jennifer Siegl (owners of 14 Colby’s Lane) for 10′ wide way between Lot 1, Block 6 (although deed says block 7)and Plat 430 and Lot 11 Block7, Plat 430 to connect (11735/399)
1994, June 30: Siegel to David C. McCool and Catherine N. McCool (book 12644/244 both parcels)
1997, May 19: to present: Michael Reid and Christine Kwitchoff (book14113/602 both parcels)