This center chimney salt-box, the only village house relating to the river instead of the road. Early feather edge sheathing, fireplaces with cranes, toasters and pots in place, and large framing members have been uncovered.(34)

Gideon (George) Challis, salt box, 34 River Road and old back lane.
The piece of land, with dwelling house, bordered the Merrimac river, joined land on the south already owned by Mr. Nichols, and was bounded on north-west and north-east by William Morse and Simon Brown, deceased. (26)
Gideon Challis, son of John and Sarah, born in Amesbury December 6, 1716, married Hannah Blasdel (b June 8, 1720) on Nov 23, 1738 (27). Their two children were there; Jonathan in 1739 and Lydia March 22, 1741. Potentially moved into the house in 1742.
1756 – When he was 39, his name appears on muster roll of 3rd company for service on expedition to fort William Henry. 1sr Sargent in Capt Daniel Websters 1st company of continental soldiers. Also 3rd Lt. John Dodge’s co. Col Gerrish’s regt. gaurd winters Hill Cornwall’s surrender.
A Beverly jog and an entry porch ( 1741-1742) (28)
1722/3, July 17: John Swett to Moses Baudy (62/65)15 Rods. land scituated in Haverhill xx acres and one quarter and fifteen on county road leading from Swett’s ferry to Kingston bounded westerly on Jamaica, southwesterly on 12 rod way, and on southerly side zzz to within xxx which goes down from Robert xxxx to Swett’s Ferry til it comes to a highway or county road. (Further up the street).
1742, Sept 30: John Swett to Barnabus Bradbury (82/159) Bounded westerly by land of Swett 2R, northerly by land of Swett 6.5R, easterly by river 2R and southerly by Bradbury 9r.
1742, Nov 16: Moses Baudy (Bowdy) (Blacksmith) to William Morse and Barnabus Bradbury (137/102) 90 Rods more or less bounded westerly on land formerly of John Swett 14.5R, from thence northwardly on a highway that lyeth between haverhill and amesbury 8R and it bounds easterly on merrimac river about 11R southerly by Barnabus Bradbury 6.5R
1744, June 5th: Barnabus Bradbury to Simeon Brown (91/21): one half part of land which Barnabus bought with William Morse of Newbury and from Moses Baudy of Amesbury. Southerly by land of my own, Easterly on Merrimack River, Northerly by highway that leads to Merrimack River near the bound rock, westerly on the land of Simeon Brown which he bought from John Swett.
1748, Aug 20: Barnabus Bradbury to Gideon Challis (98/216). 26.5 rods of land with a xxxx of a house thereon bounded by River 4R 9′, 2 rod way 4R 9′, on south 5R 10′.
1751, Sep 16: Gideon Challis (Shipwright) to John Greenleaf (106/144) House and land (1/3 of acre) adjoining lies near Holt’s Rock bounded southerly by land of Barnabus Bradbury, northwesterly on lands of William Morse and Simeon Brown, easterly by Merrimac River, north easterly by land of William Morse and Simeon Brown.
1770, Feb 21: Benjamin Greenleaf to Phineas Nichols (Blacksmith) (139/172) Dwelling house with land under adjoining the same near Holt’s Rock bounded southerly by land of Phineas Nichols, northwesterly and northeasterly by land of William Morse and Simeon Brown (deseased), easterly by Merrimac River. Same house that was formerly the estate of Gideon Challis conveyed to the late John Greenleaf in 1751.
Now owned by William Morse and Simeon Brown.
1760: Simeon Brown (probate #3824 dated 1760))
1/4 of an acre of land in Haverhill being part of River Lot bought from Barnabas Bradbury
1770 William Morse and XXXXX???
William (1704 – 1784) who married Judith (Hale) 17 Jun 1729 (Probate 18986) dated 1784. There is 3 acres of land on south side of way in will. All land in Haverhill given to son Henry Morse.
1782, Dec 6: James Bradbury (Founder?) (likely Barnabas’ brother) to Nicholas Chase (Carpenter) for 15 pounds. (147/111) bounded 14.5 rods westerly on land formerly owned by John Swett, Running northwesterly on road between Haverhill and Amesbury (back lane?) 8 poles. Bounded easterly on merrimack river 11R, southerly 6.5R on land previously owned by Barnabas Bradbury.
1788, Jan 18: Nicholas Chase to Thomas Peabody (147/111). bounded on west by highway 15 R, north by way 8 poles, east by Merrimac river and south by Zebulon Ingersoll.
1793, Dec 4: Thomas and Judith Peabody to Samuel Woodbury (157/139). Land together wit the buildings, bounded on West by Highway 15R, south by Zebulon Ingersoll (21 River Road), east by River, North by way between Haverhill and Merrimac.
1795, Mar 4: Samuel Woodbury to Thomas Peabody (159/61) mortgage for 157/139. Paid off July 14, 1795.
There is a probate for Samuel Woodbury of Newburyport in 1830. Heirs are Elizabeth, Nancy, Abigail, and Nancy M. Woodbury and Sally Batcher (?). 30508 he was a Mariner. Brother is law is Brickett and administrator of probate.
1795, July 3: Samuel Woodbury to Isreal Adams (160/53) Mortgage paid off January 3, 1798.
1798, Jan 3: Samuel and Betsy Woodbury to Daniel Chase (163/35). Bounded by 2 rod way put allowed by John Swett 9R, north by way between Haverhill and Amesbury 8R, east by River 7.5 R and South by Samuel Woodbury land 8R.
1798, Jan 3: Daniel and Abigail Chase to Israel Adams (163/36) mortgage for 163/35. paid off Oct 5, 1799.
1799, Oct 5: Daniel and Abigail Chase to Henry Tucker (165/128). same as (172/84)
1800, Sept 29th: Henry and Betsy Tucker to John Brown (172/84). Bounded south by Woodbury 8R, East by River 7 R, west by 2 rod way laid out by John Swett 9R, north by highway 8R.
1808, Nov: John Brown and Sally Brown to Cutting Moody jr. (186/74). Land and Buildings. Easterly by River 7R 3L, Southerly by Cutting Moody 9R 20L, westerly by road 9R, Northerly doesn’t say who owns.
Mrs. E.A. Kimball writes, “Tradition states that this house was for a time the home of the parents of George Peabody (great American philanthropist and banker of London; he however was born at Danvers in 1795) whom the village could have claimed as a famous resident had his parents remained a few weeks longer.
Cutting Moody died about 1835, probate: 18562
One third part, as right of dower, is set aside of dwelling house and land. Bounded by Merrimac River, Highway near Wharf (perhaps wharf at the Haverhill and Merrimac line)
To Moses B. Moody (son) minor. Land bounded by highway and Samuel Esterbrook and Widow’s 1/3 – includes barn.
Unto Mary Moody (daughter): dwelling house and barn near share no 1 and bounded by Samuel Estrebook and highway.
1850 Map lists Mrs. Moody
1839, May 6: Moses B. Moody (Cutting Moody’s son) to Mary Ann Moody (Cutting Moody’s Daughter) (311/251) bounded by “Widow’s 3rd, Estabrook (Burrill), River, and Road.
1839, Sept 6: to John B. Nichols and Sept 6, 1839 (815/35) (Moses B. Moody to Mary Ann Moody (single woman) for 150.00)
1839, Sep 6: (Moses B. Moody to Mary Ann Moody (single woman) for 150.00)(315/35) Bounded on North by landing 10R, West by River Road 8R10L, South 12R, East Merrimac River 4R. Being the house that their father did live.
1855 Census:
Mary Moody (77)
Mary Ann Moody (46)
1855, Sept 3,: Mary Ann Moody to John B. Nichols (519/224) Starting at Wharf and running westerly to road 10R, southerly by road to land of Nichols 15R 10L, easterly of Nichols 1R 16L, southerly to Samuel Estabrook (Burrill) 10R, easterly to river then northerly back to beginning 14R. (2 acres).
1870 Census:
William Stevens (52) works in shoe factory
Elizabeth Stevens (47) keeps house
Wallace Colby (35) Works in shoe factory
Georgiana (27) Keeps House
Clara (3)
1872, Feb 10: Heirs of Elizabeth Nichols sells off small piece of land from Phineas Nichols estate to John Bartlett Nichols. (948/89) 29′ by 29′ by 25′ along Eliza and Ann’s, 27′ by road.
1892 Map lists J. Nichols as owner
1904, Sept 17: George M. G. Nichols, administrator of John B. Nichols to Charles G. Woodbridge (1755/360) Includes both 519/244 land and 948/89 land. bounded on south by John B. Nichols 2nd and Ramsey, River, Hunkins on north and Merrimac Street on west.
1905, March 20: Ursula Woodbridge to Clarence E. Robinson (1770/349) North by Hunkins 160′, south by Moulton 210′, East on River 220′, west on Merrimac Road 300′. (35 and 29 River Road)
1910, Oct 27: Clarence E. Robinson to George E. Hayward (2051/446). North by Hunkins 160′, south by Moulton 210′, East on River 220′, west on Merrimac Road 300′. (35 and 29 River Road)
1913, Jun 30: George E. Hayward and Mary M. Hayward to Clarence E. Robinson (2229/2) North by Hunkins 160′, south by Moulton 210′, East on River 220′, west on Merrimac Road 300′. (35 and 29 River Road)
1915, Jan 29: Clarence E. Robinson to Augusta B. Tuttle (2286/98). South by Sawyer 200′, East by River 120′, North by Hunkins 160′, West by Road 171′ (35 River Road only)
1917, Oct 2: Augusta B. Tuttle and Everette Tuttle to Arthur Marsh (2425/338)
1925, Apr 16: Arthur Marsh and Mary E. Marsh to Thomas S. Fay (2634/536)
1925, June 8: Thomas S. and Anne S. Fay to Johnston (2640/517) land is Hunkins not Hawkins in this one.
1926, Jan 14: Charles S. Johnston and Theresa N. Johnston to Almore I. Nash and Alice M. Nash (2662/595)
1926, July 19: Almore I. Nash and Alice M. Nash to Alexander Macomber and Frieda T. Macomber (2686/333)
1933. Nov 10: Alexander Macomber and Frieda T. Macomber to to Richard Murphy and Elizabeth B. Murphy (2968/505)
1949, Aug 13: Elizabeth B. Murphy to Elizabeth B. Murphy and Margaret P. Garvin (3688/230)
1956, Sep 20: Margaret P. Garvin to Frederick L. Galvin (4308/539)
1980, Aug 21: Frederick L. Garvin to David Pearson Clark and Lucy Fuller (6730/118)
2009, May 14: David Pearson Clark and Lucy Fuller to David Pearson Clark (28600/335). Bounded southerly by Sawyer 200′, easterly by River 120′, northerly by land previously of Hawkins 160 feet, then west by (Bridge Street) River Road 171′
- Phillip (1616 – 1680) marries Mary Sargent (1636-1716)
- John (1653 – 1655)
- John (1655 – 1670)
- William (1657 – 1657)
- Phillip (1657
- Elizabeth (1661 – 1712)
- William Challis (1663-1726) marries Margaret Fowler (1673-x) in 1698
- Sarah (1699 – ) marries Lt. Timothy Hoyt (1700-1>1774) Amesbury, MA 1721/1. See Hoyt page.
- Lidy (1703 -1792) marries Joseph Moody (1701 – 1773 or 1754) in Amesbury 16 Aug 1739 Joseph’s Probate 18593 dated 1773. Joseph marries 1) Judith Kelly (1702 – 1738) (Judith married Joseph Little first) in 1722. Cutting Moody is Joseph’s and Lydia’s grandson.
- Joseph (1707 – 1737) marries Mary Rowell (1704 – 1804) in 1728
- Hannah
- William (1729 – 1788) marries 1) Hannah Dent (x-x) in 1747, 2), Mary Tuxbury (1732-1801) in 1764.
- Mary (1753 – 1839) marries Daniel Morse (1750-1838) in 1779. See Morse Page
- Martha (1754-x) marries Jacob Peaslee (1748 – 1833)
- Hannah (1761 – xx) marries Nicholas Chase (David, David, John, Aquila) (1758-x) in 1781
- Nancy (1767 Kingston, NH – x) marries Samuel Swett (1765 – 1850) in 1792
- Judith
- Margaret
- Sarah
- William (Apr 1710 – 1710)
- William Challis Jr. (July 1711 – x) marries xxx
- Mary Challis (1754-x) marries Hezikiah Pressey (1752-1802) in 1775
- Anna Miriam Pressey (1775-x) marries Charles Ramsey (xx-x) in 1799.
- Lydia (1665 – 1736) marries John Chase (1655-1740) in 1687 as his second wife (see John son of Acquila page)
- Mary (1668 – 1697)
- Phillip (1670 – x)
- Thomas (1673 – 1752) marries 1) Mary Colby (1673 -1712) before 1696, 2) Sarah Weed (1700-1742) in 1727
- Hannah (1675 – 1734)
- John Watson (1677-1741/2) and Sarah Freame (1679 – 1751)
- Mary (1699 -1743) marries Jonathan Nichols (1697 Amesbury – xx) Jan. 16, 1718-19. See Nichols page for children.
- Jacob (1702 -1705)
- John (1707 – 1781) marries 1) Anne Sargent (1708-1748) in 1728, 2) Miriam Sargent (1720 -x) in 1748.
- Gartret (1729
- Anne (1731 – 1802)
- Timothy (1733
- John (1735
- Timothy (1738
- Sarah (1741 – 1832) marris John Collins (1740 – 1844) in 1761
- John (1745 – 1808)
- Hannah (1747 – )
- Thomas (1749 – 1835)
- Enos (1752
- Seth (1755 – 1779)
- Elizabeth (1758
- Miriam (1761
- Jacob (1709
- Sarah (1710 – ) marries Theophilus (Samuel, John, Samuel, Pasco) Foot (1713-14 – xxxx) Apr. 14, 1736 in Amesbury.
- Elinor (1712
- Laydia (1714/15
- Gideon (1716 – after 1756) marries Hannah Blaisdell (1720-x) in 1738 and buys 35 River Road in 1748 (98/216). Captain Stephen Webster’s Company at Fort Williams Henry at Lake George, dated Aug 9, 1756 includes: Gideon Challis, Sergt. age 39 born in Amesbury, now Haverhill and Carpenter
- Jonathan (1739
- Christopher (1740 – 1830) marries Lydia Blaisdell (1757 – 1865) in 1781
- Lydia Hoyt (1782-1812)
- Hannah Hoyt (1783-1848)
- Lydia (1741
- Gideon (1742
- Enoch (1743
- Hannah (1745
- Phillip (1718
- Thomas (1720 – x) marries Rhoda Bagley (1723 – x) in
- Miriam (1747-1828) marries Stephen Colby (1742-x)