1778 – J Swett dies, he wills his house, barn, 16A land, ferry to grandson James White who then operates the ferry
1789, Oct 3: James and Eunice White to Samuel Bradley (170/133). 44 2/3 Rods, bounded north by Wingate 12R 16L, East by road 4 1/3 R, south by White 12R 16L, West by Moody 4 1/3 R. no mention of house. Mark B is on land in northeast corner on road and southwest corner near of Moody and White and southeast corner of Wingate and road. (29pds,14shillings)
1791, Nov 30: Bradley to Foster (Bradford Trader) (154/91) 34 Rods bounded north by Wingate 8R, East 4 1/3 R, south by Thomas Elliot 8R, West by Moody 4 1/3 R (25pds,10Shillings)
1798, Feb 7: Samuel Bradley to Joseph Wingate (164/6). $250. Piece of land and 1/2 a dwelling house beginning at southeasterly corner of land and running westerly along Thomas Elliott land 4R16L to then northerly 2 1/3R by Bradley, then easterly 4R16L by Bradley, then south by 2-rod way 2/13 rod.
1798, Mar 11: Bradley to Hoyt (170/133) 8R with 1/2 dwelling house (north by Abbott 4R, West 2R, south 4R Wingate, East 2R on Highway. North part of house. (mortgage?)
1798, Apr 4: Samuel and Abigail (Pike) Bradley to Daniel Swan (164/45). 8R and 1/2 a dwelling house. Bounded on north by William L. Abbott 4R, East by Private way (2R), South by Wingate 4R, and west 2R. (Mortgage?)
1802, Dec 30: according to deed 176/259, Samuel Bradley owned this. 12R16L
1804, Sep 15: Joseph Hoyt of Amesbury to Nathaniel Emery (176/199). 1/2 dwelling house bounded on south 4R 16L by Thomas Elliot, West 2 1/3 rod by land of Hoyt, North by Hoyt 4R16L to 2 -rod way, on east by way on to beginning. This is the lower portion that is then sold to Ben Chase from Mary Ingersoll (256/41)
1810, May 25: Capt. Joseph Hoyt of Hampton Falls to Joseph Hoyt of Amesbury (190/59). Same land as 170/133, West by Mr. Ladd, south by Mr. Emery, East by passageway, north by E. Foot (9 Wharf Lane) North part of house.
1810: back piece of land not on lane is owned by N. Ladd (previously Stephen Foster in 1798) in 1821 N. ladd is listed as north for whole property. So maybe Hoyt to N. Ladd or Foster to N. Ladd
Zebulon Ingersoll dies in 1829
1829, Dec 12: Mary Ingersoll to Benjamin Chase (256/41) South by Joseph Poyen , 4R16L, the running northerly 2 1/3 R by land of Jaques, Then northerly by land of Jaques 4R 16L, and easterly 2 1/3 R on Road. Being the southwesterly part of a dwelling house. This is a small piece of land nestled below 258/12 and on Wharf Lane. Mary was previously an Emery.
1823: John Johnson Jr. to Moses Jaques (233/186). same as 258/12 (Include what was Foster/N. Ladd and Northern part of House)
1830: Moses Jaques to James Davis. $300 50Rods ( a little more than 1/2
acre). (258/12 ) Half a dwelling house; start at e corner: road and Enoch Foot, w
on Foot 14R, s 4R on drift way to Poyen, e on Poyen 8 R to Ben Chase,
then n on Chase 2R , e by Chase through middle of house to road, n by
road to start. Including use of spring and repair of aqueduct(?)
1830, Sept 11: James and Lydia Davis to Benjamin Chase (256/217). 1/2 a dwelling house. Beginning at east corner and running westerly by land of E. Foot 14R to a driftway, south on driftway (colby lane) 4R to land of Poyen, Easterly on Poyen 8R to Ben Chase, North by Chase 2R then easterly by Chase through center of house to road, then northerly by road. Reserving the use of the spring in the westerly corner by E. Foot for him to use and repair aqueduct at all times.
Ben Chase died 1831. PROBATE 5097: House and land occupied by Hall worth $600. M. Chase house with land adjoining $300. Committee allocates 1/2 house to Betsy, ½ to Fullingtons, to Hall another dwelling house bounded e on highway, n on Foot, w on the Moses Chase lot, s on Poyen ($680). (15 wharf lane). Also the Chase house and land bound e of Foot and others, n on David Elliot, w by Sam Noyes and Merrimack River xxx $326*. Also the Ladd lot bounded e on highway, n on Poyen, w on the Chase lot, s on Enoch and Sam Foot $90 (part of 19 Wharf)
1850 Map lists H. Morse (for Horace)/Hall (for heir of Ben Chase?)
1850 census (I think Horace Sr. lives on E. Main maybe 1/2 house of Moses George Horace Jr. lives here)
863-1089 Horace T. MORSE, 44, shoemaker, $300 (22Jul1806)
Louisa ", 44 (White)
David ", 19, shoemaker (b25Oct1831)
Rebecca ", 17
Moses Hazen ", 13 (b22Apr1837)
George W. ", 10 marries Rebecca White
Mary W. ", 6
Elizabeth ", 4
Samuel F. ", 1 (b 21Aug1849)
Catherine WHITE, 71
Horace Trueworthy, s. David Morse and Rebecca (White), July 22, 1806. Brother of Rachel Hail Morse that marries Rufus K. Knowles (owns 19 Wharf)
Horace marries Louisa married in Methuen April 16, 1829
Horace, s. Horace T. Morse and Louisa (White), b June 5, 1830.
Horace Morse Jr.marries Elizabeth C. Ladd May 30, 1853 (29) Elizabeth is John and Sarah (Jaques) Ladd's daughter born Dec 17, 1817.
Horace T is son of David and Rebecca White, who is the son of Henry and Rhoda Cottle, who is the son of William and Judith Hale,
865-1092 (Living near Osgood, Johnson, S. Estabrook in 1855) 1850 census: Daniel H. HALL, 40, shoe manufacturer, $1200 Eliza ", 40 Benjamin ", 20, shoemaker Charles RAMSEY, 20, shoemaker Mary DONAHUE, 20, IRL
1855 Census (next to Tompkins)
Horace Morse (25) Shoe Maker
Elizabeth C. Chase (23)
Horace M. Morse (3)
David Morse (23) Shoemaker
George W., s. Nathaniel and Sally, Mar. 29, 1830 dies
Sally, w. Nathaniel, Nov. 9, 1822, a. 62 y. dies
Emery, S. Nathaniel and Sally, Jan 19, 1849
1865 Census:
V. B. Orne (35) Cordwainer
Nellie R. Jaques (22) (Widow)
1865 Census:
Moses T. Jaques (66) Cordwainer
Eliza A. Jaques (58) Shoe Binder
George W. Jaques (18) Cordwainer
1869, Sep 4: Eliza Hall to Daniel Colby for $450.00 (780/280) reserving privileged of cattle going to brook for drinking on land formerly of Daniel and Eliza Hall. bounded by Riley on south 14R 16L, granters on west 4R, and Ebenezer Colby on north 15R 16L, highway on east 4R.
1869, Sept 4: Daniel Colby to George Elliott (781/265) could be mortgage for purchase above.
1870 Census
George W. Colby (23) works in shoe factory
Daniel J. (28) works in shoe factory
Caroline (58) keeps house
May A. Hayden (24) no employment
William H. Hayden (26) Sailor
Lorenzo D. Colby (37) works in shoe factory
Hannah Colby (35) keeps house
Jennie Jaques (8) attends school
1870: Daniel J. Colby listed as shoemaker living on Wharf Lane in RV
George W. Colby Listed as shoemaker living on Wharf lane in 1870
1878, Mar 30: Daniel J. Colby and Theresa Colby to J. O’Neil (995/68). Bounded on north 14R16L by Ebenezer Colby, East by Wharf Lane 4R, south by Riley 14R16L.
1878, Mar 20: James O’Neil and Mary J. O’Neil to D. J. Colby (995/69 – mortgage) Discharge (1073/182 – 1881)
1881 Atlas: lists O’Neil
1881, Dec 19: D. J. Colby and Theresa Colby to Elizabeth A. Taylor and William N. Taylor (1073/182)land reserving privileged of cattle going to brook for drinking on land formerly of Daniel and Eliza Hall. bounded by Riley, Morse (??)and Ebenezer Colby (37 E. Main), 15R 16L
1891 map list O’neil
1890, Apr 15: William N. Taylor and Elizabeth A. Taylor to William B. Lamprey (1274/459)
1892 map shows Lamprey (two pieces of land joined) (9 and 15 Wharf Lane)
1896 May 25: From William B. Lamprey to Merrimac Savings Bank (1481/411). Bounded on north 14R16L by Ebenezer Colby, East by Wharf Lane 4R, south by Riley 14R16L, West by Eliza L. Hall 4R.
1900 census
Willis E. Kern (35) Blacksmith
Alice E. Kern (36) Sticher
Sadie E. Kern (12) at school
Ida E. Kern (7) at school
Alice T. Kern (11 months)
John L. Colby (62) boarder, shoe maker
1906 June 19: Merrimac Savings Bank to John Henry Welch (1829/240) and then acquired by Agnes L. Ellis
1928, Nov 22: George H. Ellis and Agnes L. Ellis to Merrimac Savings Bank(2805/423)
1929, May 18: Merrimac Savings Bank to Harry W. Colby and Charles Ramsey (3081/525)
Dec 30, 1932: Harry W. Colby & Grace V. Colby and Charles Ramsey & Ida Mae Ramsey to Charles Tuckwell (3081/526) bounded by land of Edward Little, A. F. Morse and Merrimac Saving Bank
June 4, 1944: Charles Tuckwell to Joseph and Sadie Hull (3373/326)
1946, May 25: Sadie and Joseph Hull to Michael and Jeanette Walakenis (3491/56) bounded by land formerly of Edward Little 14R 16L, A. Frank Morse, Merrimack Savings Bank 14R 16L (231.4′)
1946, June 29: Michael and Jeanette Walakenis to Emile A. Beaulac (3468/28) (this splits off land between wharf land and Colbys lane) Wharf Lane 4R2′, North by Merrimac Savings Bank 123′, West by Walakenis 4r 2′, South by land formerly by Little 123′.
1948 new house built
1949, June 30: Emile A. Beaulac to Arlene F. Pelosi and Madeo L. Pelosi (3674/234) Madeo L. Pelosi dies Aug 10, 1965.(mortgage 3674/235). Wharf Lane 4R2′, North by Merrimac Savings Bank 123′, West by Walakenis 4r 2′, South by land formerly by Little 123′.
1968, Mar 4: Arlene F. Pelosi to Robert F. McCarthy and Judith A. (BK 5513/621) (land that abuts Wharf Lane) Robert F. McCarthy April 20, 1991.
1983: House burns down killing Robert McCarthy
1992, June 3: Judith A. McCarthy to Rick Stanichuck (11325/40)
1996, May 30: Stanichuck to Rickey Stanichuck (13585/136)